"Did he leave last night, or could he have simply left for a while and happened not to be around when you arrived?" Sherman asked.

The men lowered their heads in shame when questioned. They had assumed that the matter had been resolved when they noticed that the homeless man was no longer there, but it seemed that everything was a mere fluke on their part.

"Don't bother coming back to the company if this issue isn't resolved. Do you expect me to get involved in something this minor?" Sherman frowned. He was appalled at how lax his subordinates had been recently. If they could not even solve such a small problem, he was better off firing them.

Moreover, he had emphasized the importance of 'excellence in service' since the day he became president. Should the issue of the homeless man remain unsettled, it could lead to suspicion from their clients. It was a point he felt needed no further reiteration.

Sherman had a vague feeling that Rita had something to do with the homeless man's departure. Although she was just a newcomer in the industry, the several interactions he had with her were enough for him to sense she had an uncanny ability to gain other people's trust with ease.

After their investigation,

a reporter from the New Capital Times. Getting in touch with her superior might help us

there to resolve? And why would

"To put pressure and-"

take over for now. I know her, so I'm going to meet her myself. Try to be

The subordinate nodded repeatedly.

out to be an old acquaintance. Upon realizing that, the

the developer they had taken over from.

keys and got up. He decided it would be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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