Rita felt saddened as she watched Virgil spread his tattered jacket in such a pessimistic, routine manner. He was probably a high-spirited young man in the past, but the incident had left such an indelible mark on him that made him so depressed, it became difficult to determine his age.

"I understand that you doubt my ability, but I've always been the kind of person who doesn't back out. I mean what I say, and I keep my word. The first thing I will do is to check on the developer. I probably won't be coming here from tomorrow onward because I have to gather information elsewhere, and the best way to do that is to visit the developer's headquarters," said Rita.

Virgil was a little surprised when Rita explained her entire plan to him. "Are you sure about that? You need to pay attention to your safety. It won't be easy to deal with them," he cautioned. That was all he could do, after all. His miserable situation was proof enough that the company used some rather rough tactics.

Rita smiled at him. "Don't worry. I have a bit of influence, even though I may seem like a rookie that anyone can push around."

Even if she did not explain that to him, Virgil could tell from her demeanor that she did not hail from just any ordinary family. "Okay," Virgil offered a curt reply that spoke volumes in terms of trust.

reporter in front of him just because they had met a few times, but he had no other choice. Life was a gamble, and he wanted to bet on his chances yet again. "You should move elsewhere, though. It's too conspicuous here. Even if the developer doesn't come over, Parr Group won't just let you wander around here either. It won't have a very positive impact on

his head in embarrassment. "As much as I don't want to be homeless, there's nothing else I can do about it. I have no family, no home, and no job. This is the only option I

a cold day. "If you don't mind, I can arrange a job for you, right now. I don't know about your skills or academic background, but I can provide you with

probably fall ill if he stayed outside like that before the matter was resolved. It was better for her to take care of his immediate needs and

sure you won't get into trouble with this?

be shocked at that question "No one's going to say anything. The job I'll arrange for you is an easy one, so don't worry about that. And by the way, I'm glad you opened up to me, or I'd be a helpless young woman wasting away my

near-senseless. He did not think she was as helpless as she made herself

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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