The superior and inferior relationship was immediately apparent in this short exchange.
Nicole’s elegant and calm posture was so enchanting that people could not move their eyes.
She was obviously just sitting there with a smile and did not say any words of warning, but she carried her own aura of superiority.

Even people of such status as Keith Ludwig had to respectfully apologize when he said the wrong thing. Other people thought that Nicole was even more unattainable.
When Keith found out that the video was leaked. He was so furious that he blocked everyone who forwarded this video.

Keith’s reputation went down the drain. The sun was setting, and the night fell.
The sky gradually dimmed with a layer of dark blue. The city lights lit up and dotted the place like a river of stars.
Ferguson Corporation.

Eric kept staring at the posts for one purpose only, which was to see if Nicole had any new developments.
Colton White posted a video of Keith and Nicole. He even added a caption, “Keith’s most cowardly moment!”

Just as Eric clicked on it to watch, the video was deleted by Colton.
Eric asked Colton directly for the video. Colton sent it over but also shivered and said a few words to him.

video like crazy. Don’t tell him that I gave it to you, okay?” Eric

it twice. One was apologizing, while the other accepted the

humble. However, Eric watched the video

don’t know either. I just forwarded it from another friend, but they deleted it.” Eric immediately called

“You offended Nicole?”

made Keith feel like

the video. If Keith found out who did it, he would dig up that

He coughed. “Even you know…”

“What’s going on?”

Eric wanted to know something, there were always people who were willing to take the

out that Nathaniel used to like Nicole…” Eric was silent for a long time. Keith was apprehensive. Nicole already forgave

day because of this video!” Keith would only

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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