Keith cried for a while before he realized that the call had long been disconnected.
He was speechless.

Eric hung up the phone and looked at Toto, who was concentrating on feeding the fish on the other side.
“Go and inquire about what happened at that celebration that Nicole attended today.”
Toto immediately put down what he was holding without a moment’s delay.
”Yes, Mr. Ferguson!”

Eric took his phone and found Nicole’s profile, then clicked into it. It was blank.
’Why didn’t she post anything yet?’ Eric thought. He simply privately messaged her.
[Because I miss you so much, even the food I eat is in the shape of my love for you.]

What sweet words.

Eric had to prove to Nicole that he was no longer the cold and heartless Eric Ferguson of the past.
Ten seconds… Thirty seconds… There was no reply.
’Could her phone be broken?’ He thought. One minute…

Five minutes…

There was still no reply.

then typed out another message in the dialog

red exclamation mark appeared next to the message. It was a

Eric was speechless.

felt suffocated for

can everyone get off work?” Eric looked

answer is no He

Eric even proposed to buy everyone dinner, snacks, milk

was really hard

By the end of it, Toto added, “Young Master Nathaniel is really extraordinary and has a way to deal

used those tricks on Nicole, Eric would have probably killed him. Keith was good-natured and had scruples, so he did not dare

was livid. Eric finally had some sympathy for Keith in his heart. Nathaniel was really not a good thing! “Mr. Ferguson, should

speaking, he instantly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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