The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 1612

Meanwhile, in the Southern Boss’s mansion, the Southern Boss and Rodney were celebrating the trouble they had caused the Thompsons.

Dad, this is great! Not only has Asmodeus wreaked havoc in the Thompsons Mansion, but he has also even captured Roanne Thompson! We have finally gotten revenge for all the troubles they caused us in the past!Rodney said.

That’s right! As expected of one of the top eight criminals. Asmodeus doesn’t disappoint!The Southern Boss nodded with a satisfied smile.

It’s just a shame that Asmodeus didn’t kill Yuri, or we would have even more to celebrate!Rodney said.

The Thompsons and the Spears had always been enemies, and Yuri had been superior in all possible aspects compared to Rodney, so Rodney had always seen Yuri as his rival and felt frustrated that Asmodeus did not eliminate Yuri.

It’s fine. Asmodeus told me that this is just the beginning! When he has the chance, he will surely get rid of Yuri Thompson for us!The Southern Boss smirked.

and the Southern Boss did not care much about him. Still, since Yuri was the brightest of his generation in the Thompsons, the Thompsons would erupt into chaos if Yuri was killed, and that was exactly what the Southern

Rodney beamed.

Rodney knew that he would eventually be rid of Yuri and there was

are going to have a celebration!” The

of the living room. However, before he was out of

Boss, Mister Rodney, bad news…”

happened?” Rodney stilled and

that Asmodeus, one of the criminals


Southern Boss and

killed? Really?” Shocked, the Southern Boss stood abruptly in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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