The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 1613

What’s going on?! Do the Thompsons have some powerful martial artists hidden who tracked Asmodeus down afterward? This shouldn’t be happening!The Southern Boss recovered from the shock, and his expression darkened.

He had doubts that the Thompsons had other tricks up their sleeves but immediately cast the thought aside.

Asmodeus was formidable, and it was impossible for the Thompsons to kill him without alerting the

Southern Boss.

Did the Dragon Corps mention who it was that killed Asmodeus?the Southern Boss questioned darkly.

They didn’t say. The announcement only says that a martial artist in the Dragon Corps did itthe guard said respectfully.

Dragon Corps?” The Southern Boss

the Dragon Corps to be alerted. Hence, the Southern Boss had his full attention on the Thompsons

on him that the Dragon Corps might have been tracking Asmodeus all along and took the opportunity

Boss was certain that the Dragon Corps was responsible for Asmodeus’s death, and no one else would have done

Southern Boss’s expression darkened, and he slammed his fist against the table, causing it

pleased by Asmodeus’s attack and was even about to celebrate, only for his mood to be


it! Asmodeus is expandable. I don’t care if he is dead!” The Southern Boss took a deep breath

using one another, and since Asmodeus was not his subordinate, he did not care

only regret was that Asmodeus was killed too soon at the hands of the Dragon Corps before he could cause more trouble for the Thompsons.


just let it go.” Rodney nodded.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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