"Elegante Group? I've never heard of it! Cousin, it's just a small cosmetic firm. It can't possibly affect Hiltons Corporation's status! I think you're worried about too much!" Seth said and did not see Elegante Group as a threat.

"You don't understand! It's not just an ordinary cosmetic firm. I don't know how they managed it, but they somehow persuaded Hughes Group to work with them, or it would've never grown so rapidly!" Joel said.

Hiltons Corporation was the head of the southern region's cosmetic industry. Since Elegante Group established itself in the southern region, Joel was informed about its corporation with Hughes Group.

In modern society, resources and platforms were crucial to businesses.

southern region and Hiltons Corporation had nothing to

feedback for its product and Hughes Group's support was only stronger, which meant that Elegante Group would soon become a threat to Hiltons Corporation and that

so great about this company for Hughes Group to share recourses with it? Is it run by

they would have never agreed to work with Elegante Group if it had no powerful forces

I don't know him in person and this is probably confidential information, so I'm sure he won't say a word

the southern region and Hughes Group was merely one

Hiltons Corporation was not even a partner with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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