"Hello, Mister Golan. Do you need something?" Gordon said as soon as he answered the call.

"Mister Bailey, I want information regarding Elegante Group. Do you know anything?" Seth asked.

"Elegante Group? Of course, I know that company!" Gordon conflicted with Leon recently.

Not only was he badly beaten, but he was also eventually forced to kneel and apologize to Leon and Snow, so the memories of the humiliation were still fresh.

"Great! Tell me everything you know about Elegante Group," Seth said and switched his phone to speaker mode so that Joel could listen to the conversation as well.

small business that started in Springfield City. The chairman is a

from Springfield City?" Both Joel and Seth

that Elegante Group obtained the resources from Hughes Group

business that started in a small city, which made put it at the very bottom of

why would Hughes Group offer

connection between Leon and the Thompsons when he suddenly thought of something and decided against

the Hiltons and the Hiltons ran the

itself the Hiltons' competitor by entering the southern region market. Gordon realized that the Hiltons were looking into Elegante Group's background to get rid

and apologize, Gordon resented Leon and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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