"I've done my research about them, so don't worry!" Seth said with a smile.

Gordon was not clear as to why Hughes Group would invest so much in Elegante Group, but since Elegante Group originated from a small city, it was unlikely that the company was supported by powerful figures.

Both Seth and Joel thought the same.

Joel knew how effective Elegante Group's products were and assumed that the investment was simply a result of Darius seeing the potential in Elegante Group.

"How dare a small foreign business attempt to find a place in the southern region market?! They must learn their places!" Darius scoffed and narrowed his eyes viciously, his determination to destroy Elegante Group strengthening.

are you going to do?" Seth

work like magic, and if we can buy the company out, it will give the

cosmetic industry, there were five regions in Sky County. Since Hiltons Corporation had little influence in other regions, it had little

Elegante Group's appearance,

Elegante Group offered much better products than even the most luxurious brands with close to no rivals in terms of quality. If the Hiltons Corporation could take over Elegante Group, they would be able to

great potential and I don't think they would

a small city outside the

southern region. Reputation is important to your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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