"Grandpa, Uncle, the central region isn't that far from the southern region.

Don't worry.

I'll make time to come visit whenever there's an opportunity," Iris consoled them when she sensed how depressed they were.

Patrick, Damien, and the others were her family and she was reluctant to part with them as well.

Still, one had to aim higher, and given Leon's capability, it would not benefit his future if he remained in the southern region.

As his girlfriend, she had to go to the central region with him.

Thankfully, the central region was connected to the southern region with around a six to seven hours drive.

Once Leon planted his roots in the central region, she could always return to visit the Scammells.

"Let's hope so." Patrick and Damien nodded, suppressing their sorrow.

that someone as talented as Leon would not remain in the southern region forever and it was a wise choice

accomplish greatness in the central region and eventually, he may return to the southern

Scammells could reunite with

and Leon head to the central region?" Damien


the western region

leaving the southern region tomorrow? That's so

why don't you two stay for dinner

Iris and

inform everyone in the first bloodline to return

is to be here! We will all gather around to have a farewell party

said and

Patrick had a feast prepared while Leon and Iris stayed to

Iris gathered their things and carried Renee into the car, before getting ready

them were Roanne,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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