"Yes, sir!" Chandler said.

"Leon, once Chandler helps to settle things with the underground community, you can reach out to the Thompsons if you struggle with anything.

They will assist you," Leon said.

While Chandler could get the underground community in line, the other forces may start to cause trouble once he left the southern region.

Still, Leon already reached the Almighty State and with the Thompsons' help, these forces would not be able to cause much harm.

Chandler could help eliminate most obstacles at the moment and the Thornpsons would assist in the future.

So long as managed to keep all forces in the underground community down, the rest would be up to Leon's judgment.

"Also, after I leave, take care of the Scammells for me.

If they are in trouble, let me know immediately," Leon added.

"Yes, sir.

won't disappoint you!" said

Leon and Iris walked

Uncle, it's

and I will leave


the more successful you become, the

careful in the central

will leave

good care of her," Patrick

that others would naturally be drawn to the potential of Cynthion

was powerful and others may not be able to harm him,

to prevent others

be careful!" Leon

Uncle, we

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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