"No? Mister Wolf, is Renee still alive?" Caleb and the others were taken aback and slightly relieved.

They all turned to Leon with anticipation, waiting for his response.


Renee was injured by the Southern Boss, but I've managed to stabilize her condition and she is slowly getting better.

Still, her injuries were severe and she remains unconscious," Leon explained.

"I see," Caleb and the others sighed a breath of relief.

Though Renee was unconscious, it was still better than dying at the hands of the Southern Boss.

where is Renee? Where is she?" Josiah asked, desperate

behind me," Leon said and pointed

limo, one that Cynthion Group

it was along drive from the southern region to the western region, Leon took

the bed so that she could not be affected by


went over

quietly on the bed, breathing

slim and pale, she

god!" They were all relieved that Renee was in a better condition than they

way forever?"

only make Renee suffer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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