"By the way, Mister Morrison.

The western region has an abundant supply of herbs.

Is there any Heavenly Flower here?" Leon asked.

Though he already asked the Dragon Guards from the central region to help, the western region was known for its rich supply of rare herbs.

If the Morrisons could find the Heavenly Flower, he did not need to wait for updates from the central region and could help Renee soon.

"Heavenly Flower? I've never heard of that.

I don't know if the western region has any of that.

I'll send my men to search for it," Josiah said.

There were plenty of herbs in the western region and since the Morrisons were not from a medical background, they did not know much about herbs and it was normal that he never heard of the Heavenly Flower.

spiritual herbs

martial artists' power and some families would preserve them for

easier to search for these herbs

and Fairy Fruit were unique and

it was challenging to find them even

only arrange for his men to search around, but the likelihood of him finding something was

you should

ideal if you can find one, but

unique ones like the Heavenly Flower, could

the Morrisons could

Dragon Corps and the Dragon Corps in the central region

time, he could help Renee no

"Mister Wolf, don't worry.

will try our best." Josiah and Caleb

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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