

I agree," Leon replied.

Cynthia was thrilled to get his answer.

She no longer had to worry.

"You're a good man, Leon." Cynthia was not the only one happy to hear it.

Ruth shared the same happiness.

After spending days and nights together, she had gotten used to living together with Leon.

She too was very happy when Leon agreed to bring her and Cynthia to the central region.

So happy that she suddenly gave Leon a big hug as a reward.

It caught Leon by surprise.

Leon's face was emotionless as he quickly pulled Ruth away from him.

two days before

make sure


that," Cynthia

hope the Elegante Group can

market to the Eastern region from the Southern region and to the

from the Western region's branch, you can start to

Iris nodded.

region, there was no longer any reason for the Elegante Group to have branches

Elegante Group

sold by the Cynthion Group were more special and many people

to be safe, Cynthion Group would have to work with the Thompsons and the Morrisons to

was a normal trading business, so it was not as complicated as the

for proxy companies such as the Zeller

to expand the market

was much easier to expand compared with

that, Leon and the others continued

until the evening that they left the company and went back

and the other girls were busy

Leon took the time to head to the branch of Dragon Corps in the Western

problem left behind by the Western Boss and the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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