Once Leon reached a consensus with Mister Orpwood, he brought Austin to Morrisons’ Mansion to meet with Caleb and the other Morrisons.

There were two reasons why he wanted Austin to meet with the Morrisons.

First, he wanted to strengthen his relationship with the Morrisons and get them to help the branch of Cynthion Group in the Western region to expand to the Northern region. Secondly, he hoped that the Morrisons would help Austin gain control of the other forces in the Western region to maintain order and stability.

In other words, he was doing exactly what he did with the Southern region to the Western region. He wanted the Morrisons to help Austin solve any problems

arising when he left the Western region.

With help from the Morrisons, he knew he would not need to worry about the Western region when he left.

As expected, Caleb and the others did not reject his request.

a win-win situation for the Morrisons in helping the Cythion Group expand to the Northern region. It would bring

to reject it. Surely, Caleb and the Morrisons

the Morrisons for Austin to replace the Western Boss. With the fall of the Fermers,

they were in the same boat together. If Leon controlled the forces of the Western Region, he would not do what the

would prevent the Morrisons from getting a new enemy

go to the central region

the control of the Western Region was maintained in Leon’s hand, the Morrisons would

was something

requests only brought benefits to the Morrisons. Thus, Caleb and the others

the evening after he had

after he met with Chandler. Just like the Southern region, he wanted Chandler to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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