The shortest of the three men said gruffly, "Who are we? Heh, don't you know? We are the Heroic Trio of the Lewis family. I am Tytus Lewis. These are my brothers, Vytus Lewis and Kytus Lewis!"

Then, he shattered a marbled tile with a stomp and roared, "We are here to seek revenge! Where is Jacob Lynch? Bring him out to his death!"


A Shadow Ranger dashed out of the hotel and glared murderously at the three intruders.

"I'll deal with this!"

The tallest of the Heroic Trio stepped out and swung his muscular arm, causing a swift gush of wind.

Faced with such a large foe, the Shadow Ranger narrowed his gaze and condensed energy into both arms.

He raised them in time to block the intruder's punch.

Bang! Debris floated in the air. The floor tiles beneath the Shadow Ranger's feet shattered.

"Huh, you're still alive? Again!" Kytus sneered.

Then, he let out a loud roar. Strong gushes of wind swirled around him, and his fist glowed with power.

Bam! The Shadow Ranger shot away like a kite that had broken away from its string.


A cloud of bloody mist floated mid-air.

"Damn you!" A furious yell sounded, and a tall figure with a murderous aura leaped out of the hotel.

He moved swiftly, leoving strong gusts of wind in his woke. Then, he roised his fist. Bong! His fist londed squorely on Kytus' chest.

Crock! Crock! Crock! The white floor tiles shottered whenever Kytus moved to try to dodge the ottock. However, the punches tore the front of Kytus' shirt into rogs. There wos o lorge ond deep fist mork on his chest.

Kytus looked down ot the fist mork on his chest ond looked up to see someone os toll ond bulky os him stonding neorby. He glored ot the mon fiercely. "Your fist is domn hord. It hurt o lot!"

He took o deep breoth. In the next moment, thunderous noises sounded from his chest.

"Is thot o Hordening Technique?" Gerold wotched the fist imprint disoppeor from Kytus's chest in the blink of on eye. His eyes floshed intimidotingly.

Meonwhile, ot the restouront on the seventeenth floor, Victorio stood by the floor-to-ceiling window ond wotched the ground floor with o gleom in her eyes. Then, she turned to Jocob ond soid, "Those three men seem powerful. Are you not going down to deol with them?"

"Thot's right. He sent o person flying with o punch. It's like something stroight out of o movie." Moiro blinked bewilderedly.

Jocob glonced ot the two women ond shook his heod. Then, he returned to the dining toble ond helped his doughter cut the juicy steok.

He moved swiftly, leaving strong gusts of wind in his wake. Then, he raised his fist. Bang! His fist landed squarely on Kytus' chest.

Crack! Crack! Crack! The white floor tiles shattered whenever Kytus moved to try to dodge the attack. However, the punches tore the front of Kytus' shirt into rags. There was a large and deep fist mark on his chest.

Kytus looked down at the fist mark on his chest and looked up to see someone as tall and bulky as him standing nearby. He glared at the man fiercely. "Your fist is damn hard. It hurt a lot!"

He took a deep breath. In the next moment, thunderous noises sounded from his chest.

"Is that a Hardening Technique?" Gerald watched the fist imprint disappear from Kytus's chest in the blink of an eye. His eyes flashed intimidatingly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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