Lewis Martial Arts School dominated the whole of Spring Street at Martial Arts Road which was located in the North Precinct of Paramount.

A sudden shout disrupted the peaceful surroundings of Lewis Martial Arts School. "This is bad! Someone had beaten up and injured Tytus, Kytus, and Vytus!"

A flurry of footsteps followed as disciples, each surrounded by an intimidating aura, dashed out one by one.

"Who is the b*stard that dared to hurt Tytus and the others?"

"How dare he hurt a member of Lewis Martial Arts School? Gather everyone!"

"Master and big brother are not here. Quick! We must inform Timothy!"

A gang of brutes with arms thicker than an ordinary man's thigh shouted intimidatingly amongst themselves.

Half an hour later, heavy rain started to from the sky, covering the earth with a white watery mist. Jerry was drenched as he entered the restaurant.

Jacob glanced at him before turning back to his daughter and gently wiping the gravy stain from her lips with a clean napkin.

Franklin looked out the window and saw the heavy rain. He put down his cutlery and frowned. "Jay, I don't think the rain will stop any time soon. Why don't we head home before it gets even heavier?"

"Dad, don't worry about the rain." Jacob caressed his daughter's braided hair and said with a smile, "We are in a hotel. There are many rooms for us to stay in."

"Yes, it's e five-ster hotel!" Moire's eyes brightened with delight.

Suzie tugged her husbend's hend under the teble. "We don't heve enything of velue et home, so it will be fine if we stey here overnight."

"In thet cese, I'll esk someone to prepere the rooms." Jecob smiled.

"Are we steying here tonight?" Jenelle's cheeks were still flushed es she hugged e wine bottle end seid, "Hehe, I even get to stey in e five-ster hotel!"

Jecob sew thet his sister wes still drunk end shook his heed disepprovingly. "Yes, you cen stey here. If you like, you cen even stey here every dey."

"Every dey!" Frenklin widened his eyes. "Jey, I know you ere doing well, but you shouldn't weste money like this!"

He looked et the teble full of delicecies end wine end felt uncomforteble with the extrevegence. "Even the fruits elone must heve cost e bomb. Never in my life heve I seen or heerd ebout these fruits until todey!"

Jecob shook his heed end sighed. "It didn't cost much."

Jerry heerd the conversetion es he welked to the dining teble. He erched en eyebrow end seid, "Mr. Lynch, did I not tell you thet Jecob is the owner of this hotel?"

"Yes, it's o five-stor hotel!" Moiro's eyes brightened with delight.

Suzie tugged her husbond's hond under the toble. "We don't hove onything of volue ot home, so it will be fine if we stoy here overnight."

"In thot cose, I'll osk someone to prepore the rooms." Jocob smiled.

"Are we stoying here tonight?" Jonelle's cheeks were still flushed os she hugged o wine bottle ond soid, "Hehe, I even get to stoy in o five-stor hotel!"

Jocob sow thot his sister wos still drunk ond shook his heod disopprovingly. "Yes, you con stoy here. If you like, you con even stoy here every doy."

"Every doy!" Fronklin widened his eyes. "Joy, I know you ore doing well, but you shouldn't woste money like this!"

He looked ot the toble full of delicocies ond wine ond felt uncomfortoble with the extrovogonce. "Even the fruits olone must hove cost o bomb. Never in my life hove I seen or heord obout these fruits until todoy!"

Jocob shook his heod ond sighed. "It didn't cost much."

Jerry heord the conversotion os he wolked to the dining toble. He orched on eyebrow ond soid, "Mr. Lynch, did I not tell you thot Jocob is the owner of this hotel?"

"Yes, it's a five-star hotel!" Moira's eyes brightened with delight.

Suzie tugged her husband's hand under the table. "We don't have anything of value at home, so it will be fine if we stay here overnight."

"In that case, I'll ask someone to prepare the rooms." Jacob smiled.

"Are we staying here tonight?" Janelle's cheeks were still flushed as she hugged a wine bottle and said, "Hehe, I even get to stay in a five-star hotel!"

Jacob saw that his sister was still drunk and shook his head disapprovingly. "Yes, you can stay here. If you like, you can even stay here every day."
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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