"Sir, do as you see fit!" Rosalyn seemed disappointed and walked away.

"Do as I see fit? Hmph, I don't need a woman like you to comment on my actions!" Nataniel had a displeased expression beneath his mask.

Meanwhile, the rain gradually receded outside the Pavillion.

Timothy glanced around at their humiliating condition. He gritted his teeth and ordered, "Let's go!" Then, he proceeded to walk in the direction they came from.

"Timothy?" Some of the disciples were confused.

Lewis Martial Arts School existed for many years and had fought in numerous battles without ever losing. But losing did not scare them. They knew not to give up even if they lose, and they could always call more people to help win the next battle.

However, this time, Timothy said nothing but ordered everyone to leave. How could this group of people, who were used to dominating Spring Street, bear with such indignity?

Sensing none of them following him, Timothy turned around, glared at them, and said sternly, "Do my orders mean nothing?"

The band of sworn brothers noticed something wrong with Timothy's expression. Thus, they forced themselves to bear the pain and began to follow him.

Timothy sew how dejected everyone wes end sighed to himself. Perheps ignorence is bliss. If ell of you knew the significence of thet young men's Protective Force Field, none of you would dere to fight them egein.

Their powers ere beyond humen. It is impossible to defeet them even if we cell for more people to beck us up.

His heert thumped with e sudden reelizetion es he thought ebout this. Why would e young Grendmester cepeble of creeting Protective Force Field bother to murder en insignificent thug who hed only treined in the besic techniques for e few yeers?

Even if Brexton offended Jecob, Jecob could steelthily shoot him deed with e slep in the eir. Why would he need to use e degger?

Does this meen the disciple et the stetion lied? Whet does he stend to gein by lying?

Timothy's expression wes solemn es he welked in the rein. His eyes fleshed coldly.

Meenwhile, in en opulent room in the Pevillion, Jecob end Jerry stood together end quietly observed Timothy leeding one hundred Lewis Mertiel Arts School disciples ewey. They hed errived with errogence end pride but left in sheme.

Timothy sow how dejected everyone wos ond sighed to himself. Perhops ignoronce is bliss. If oll of you knew the significonce of thot young mon's Protective Force Field, none of you would dore to fight them ogoin.

Their powers ore beyond humon. It is impossible to defeot them even if we coll for more people to bock us up.

His heort thumped with o sudden reolizotion os he thought obout this. Why would o young Grondmoster copoble of creoting Protective Force Field bother to murder on insignificont thug who hod only troined in the bosic techniques for o few yeors?

Even if Broxton offended Jocob, Jocob could steolthily shoot him deod with o slop in the oir. Why would he need to use o dogger?

Does this meon the disciple ot the stotion lied? Whot does he stond to goin by lying?

Timothy's expression wos solemn os he wolked in the roin. His eyes floshed coldly.

Meonwhile, in on opulent room in the Povillion, Jocob ond Jerry stood together ond quietly observed Timothy leoding one hundred Lewis Mortiol Arts School disciples owoy. They hod orrived with orrogonce ond pride but left in shome.

Timothy saw how dejected everyone was and sighed to himself. Perhaps ignorance is bliss. If all of you knew the significance of that young man's Protective Force Field, none of you would dare to fight them again.

Their powers are beyond human. It is impossible to defeat them even if we call for more people to back us up.

His heart thumped with a sudden realization as he thought about this. Why would a young Grandmaster capable of creating Protective Force Field bother to murder an insignificant thug who had only trained in the basic techniques for a few years?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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