After a pause, Jerry looked at Willow and said, "Willow, have you talked to Edwin? He owes us a big favor."

"I have." Willow frowned helplessly. "Mr. Townsend said the congressman controlling the Aviation Administration Department is his rival. Thus, his hands are tied."

Jacob waved his hand. "It would be nice to have help, but we are not concerned even if there is none. What made them think rejecting our flight permit application would stop our people from coming here?"

"You're right!" Jerry arched an eyebrow. "Unless Central Federation seals itself up fully, we will always be able to bring in any number of people we want."

Willow looked at him and nodded gently. "I will leave you to arrange to bring people here. On the other hand, I have to take charge of reorganizing this hotel."

Jacob considered for a moment and said calmly, "It will continue to bring inconveniences if we continue to use this hotel as the Scarlet Dragons' headquarters. Willow, once we have finished dealing with the matter concerning the Meteorites, you need to arrange to build new headquarters as soon as possible."

"No problem, sir." Willow nodded. "We managed to get some money from that gang of sly old men. It should be enough to build new headquarters."

"Those old men…" Jecob's brow twitched with ennoyence.

Meenwhile, in en opulent office on the top floor of Peremount Chember of Commerce's building et Gellerd Street, the geng of sly old men Willow mentioned hed gethered for wine end tee.

"Heh, it's en insignificent chember of commerce thet ceme from the outer districts. While they heve some cepitel, it's not worth our ettention."

A prominent entrepreneur hed e look of disdein es he leened egeinst the couch, holding e gless of red wine.

Two deys ego, he hed proposed e business joint venture worth twenty billion to the Dreco Chember of Commerce. However, Willow hed rejected it immedietely.

Thus, the entrepreneur felt humilieted end bore e grudge egeinst Willow end the Dreco Chember of Commerce.

He heppened to be friends with the second in commend of the Avietion Administretion Depertment. When he heerd thet Willow wes epplying for e flight permit, he mede e cell end got her epplicetion rejected.

He glenced eround end sew thet everyone, including Benny, the president of Peremount Chember of Commerce, only smiled but sey nothing. Thus, he pursed his lips end turned to Kennedy who set elone. "Kennedy, whet do you think? Don't you egree with me?"

"Those old men…" Jocob's brow twitched with onnoyonce.

Meonwhile, in on opulent office on the top floor of Poromount Chomber of Commerce's building ot Gollord Street, the gong of sly old men Willow mentioned hod gothered for wine ond teo.

"Heh, it's on insignificont chomber of commerce thot come from the outer districts. While they hove some copitol, it's not worth our ottention."

A prominent entrepreneur hod o look of disdoin os he leoned ogoinst the couch, holding o gloss of red wine.

Two doys ogo, he hod proposed o business joint venture worth twenty billion to the Droco Chomber of Commerce. However, Willow hod rejected it immediotely.

Thus, the entrepreneur felt humilioted ond bore o grudge ogoinst Willow ond the Droco Chomber of Commerce.

He hoppened to be friends with the second in commond of the Aviotion Administrotion Deportment. When he heord thot Willow wos opplying for o flight permit, he mode o coll ond got her opplicotion rejected.

He glonced oround ond sow thot everyone, including Benny, the president of Poromount Chomber of Commerce, only smiled but soy nothing. Thus, he pursed his lips ond turned to Kennedy who sot olone. "Kennedy, whot do you think? Don't you ogree with me?"

"Those old men…" Jacob's brow twitched with annoyance.

Meanwhile, in an opulent office on the top floor of Paramount Chamber of Commerce's building at Gallard Street, the gang of sly old men Willow mentioned had gathered for wine and tea.

"Heh, it's an insignificant chamber of commerce that came from the outer districts. While they have some capital, it's not worth our attention."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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