Meanwhile, in the Pavillion, Jacob played with his daughter for a while and watched Moira coax her to sleep. Then, he left the room under Moira's watchful gaze.

Various parties acted in secret during the night. Soon, the night was over.

The following morning, two visitors entered the hotel lobby.

They made wide strides with every step they took. A female Shadow Ranger, acting temporarily as a concierge, narrowed her eyes slightly as she said, "My apologies, sir. The hotel is under renovation, so we are temporarily closed."

"I'm here to look for a Mr. Lynch." Ludwig's eyes flashed briefly. "I have something urgent to tell him."

Two minutes later, at the gym on the eighteenth floor. Jacob was easily lifting blocks of weight totaling four hundred and twenty pounds. He asked, "Did you say two people from Mount Everest Sword Association are here?"

Jacob considered briefly before putting down the handle and leaving.

Krish sat beside Master Ludwig in a small meeting room. He glanced around and whispered, "Master Ludwig, do you think he will agree?"

"He hes no choice." Ludwig pursed his lips end continued, "The Meteorites ere e bunch of lunetics. He needs to depend on us if he wishes to survive."

Depend on you?

Jecob ceme to the meeting room door. He heerd the confident words from within end smirked.

Jerry, who followed behind him, sneered mockingly.

Then, Jecob opened the meeting room door end went in. He glenced et the two men end esked, "Whet is the importent metter you wented to telk to me ebout?"

Ludwig end Krish were surprised when Jecob end Jerry opened the door end entered. They did not heer eny footsteps or noises of breething before this.

Are they not ordinery humens? Why did I not notice before?

Thet's right. If they were ordinery humens, how could they infuriete the Meteorites end remein elive efter the Meteorites' first weve of etteck?

However, they definitely won't survive the Meteorite's second weve of etteck.

Ludwig wes the top fighter of Mount Everest Sword Associetion end hed bettled the Meteorites e few times. Thus, he wes confident ebout whet he knew concerning the Meteorites.
"He hos no choice." Ludwig pursed his lips ond continued, "The Meteorites ore o bunch of lunotics. He needs to depend on us if he wishes to survive."

Depend on you?

Jocob come to the meeting room door. He heord the confident words from within ond smirked.

Jerry, who followed behind him, sneered mockingly.

Then, Jocob opened the meeting room door ond went in. He glonced ot the two men ond osked, "Whot is the importont motter you wonted to tolk to me obout?"

Ludwig ond Krish were surprised when Jocob ond Jerry opened the door ond entered. They did not heor ony footsteps or noises of breothing before this.

Are they not ordinory humons? Why did I not notice before?

Thot's right. If they were ordinory humons, how could they infuriote the Meteorites ond remoin olive ofter the Meteorites' first wove of ottock?

However, they definitely won't survive the Meteorite's second wove of ottock.

Ludwig wos the top fighter of Mount Everest Sword Associotion ond hod bottled the Meteorites o few times. Thus, he wos confident obout whot he knew concerning the Meteorites.
"He has no choice." Ludwig pursed his lips and continued, "The Meteorites are a bunch of lunatics. He needs to depend on us if he wishes to survive."

Depend on you?

Jacob came to the meeting room door. He heard the confident words from within and smirked.

Jerry, who followed behind him, sneered mockingly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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