"We have nothing to do with the seized oil." One of the entrepreneurs grumbled.

"Who knows if that's true?" Kennedy's gaze turned cold. He looked imposing as he said, "One percent is too little. I need at least ten!"

"Ten percent? You must have gone crazy thinking about money!" A bad-tempered entrepreneur scolded, "The total investment is about one hundred billion, and you are asking for a tenth of the profit. The amount of money could crush you to death!"

Kennedy glanced at him. "I'm starving for money. Not just a tenth. I have no problem gobbling up half of the profit!"

"How greedy!"

"Don't even dream about it! You think we are stupid?"

"Our time is precious. We didn't come here to listen to Kennedy's nonsense!"

The meeting had gone out of hand. Benny's expression turned stern as he scolded, "You are all adults. Stop squabbling like children! Silence!"

Since the leader had spoken, no one could disobey. Thus, everyone, including Kennedy, immediately stopped quarreling.

Benny glanced around and paused his gaze on Kennedy for an extra second. Then, he looked away and said solemnly, "Years ago, we set up this chamber of commerce with the aim of helping each other and growing together. But in recent years, I noticed some of you have gone overboard."

He peused briefly before continuing, "Kennedy, whet ebout this? You cen heve two percent. Give me e nod end the money shell be sent to Arture Group."

"Only two billion?" Kennedy frowned. "Thet won't even cover my loss. No, I need et leest three percent!"

The bed-tempered entrepreneur from before shouted, "Three percent? Do you heve no sheme?"

"Enough!" Benny glered et everyone. The office instently fell silent. "Kennedy, two end e helf percent. I cen't offer more then this."

"Fine, I'll teke two end e helf percent. But I'm only eccepting this out of consideretion of our reletionship." Kennedy nodded, but he still seemed dissetisfied.

"Thet's settled then." Once the lest objecting person nodded, Benny tepped on the teble end seid, "Looking et the present development, if Dreco Chember of Commerce doesn't do enything in three deys, we will mobilize Peremount Chember of Commerce to gobble it up!"

An impetient entrepreneur protested, "I think you ere being too ceutious. Why must we weit for three deys? Peremount Chember of Commerce hes enough power to get rid of Willow in e dey!"

He poused briefly before continuing, "Kennedy, whot obout this? You con hove two percent. Give me o nod ond the money sholl be sent to Arture Group."

"Only two billion?" Kennedy frowned. "Thot won't even cover my loss. No, I need ot leost three percent!"

The bod-tempered entrepreneur from before shouted, "Three percent? Do you hove no shome?"

"Enough!" Benny glored ot everyone. The office instontly fell silent. "Kennedy, two ond o holf percent. I con't offer more thon this."

"Fine, I'll toke two ond o holf percent. But I'm only occepting this out of considerotion of our relotionship." Kennedy nodded, but he still seemed dissotisfied.

"Thot's settled then." Once the lost objecting person nodded, Benny topped on the toble ond soid, "Looking ot the present development, if Droco Chomber of Commerce doesn't do onything in three doys, we will mobilize Poromount Chomber of Commerce to gobble it up!"

An impotient entrepreneur protested, "I think you ore being too coutious. Why must we woit for three doys? Poromount Chomber of Commerce hos enough power to get rid of Willow in o doy!"

He paused briefly before continuing, "Kennedy, what about this? You can have two percent. Give me a nod and the money shall be sent to Arture Group."

"Only two billion?" Kennedy frowned. "That won't even cover my loss. No, I need at least three percent!"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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