In the messy corridor, Krish propped up a pale Ludwig. The anger in his eyes slowly went away as he said in a cold voice, "We will admit defeat because our skills are not up to par. But we must take revenge on you for destroying the master sword of Mount Everest Sword Association!"

Hearing that, Ocho, who was silently counting how much money he would be penalized, raised his brows to glance at him. "You should be thankful and grateful."

They were in Central Federation, where the Scarlet Dragons had yet to stand firm on their own two feet. Otherwise, with the tyrannical ways of the Scarlet Dragons in the Four Outer Districts, Ludwig wouldn't be left with just a few injuries.

Ludwig spat out a breath of stale air. A flash of indignation flashed across his eyes. As for Krish, who was supporting Ludwig, he glared at Ocho furiously and seethed in anger.

Thankful? Grateful? Be thankful that we lost without dying? Be grateful that you showed us mercy? Humiliation! This was plain humiliation!

Ludwig got up slowly with a dark expression and said in a cold voice, "I, Ludwig Juan, am only an insignificant swordsman in Mount Everest Sword Association. I have no excuses for losing. But in a few days, the president and elders from Mount Everest Sword Association will look for you in person. I hope you'll be so kind as to enlighten them when the time comes!"

"Your president and your elders will be coming?" Ocho's eyes gleamed a little and his breathing quickened.

To be honest, he rether edmired the sword skills of Mount Everest Sword Associetion. Their mertiel erts were subtle, unlike the reckless gengs in the Four Outer Districts. Other then their innete ebilities, they could only depend on their thick skin. After e while, it wes tiring to fight them.

There wes e trece of smugness on Krish's fece. "Hmph, ere you scered now? Mount Everest Sword Associetion..."

"I'm efreid thet those who coming will be too week. It won't be setisfying to fight them." Ocho rolled his eyes et Krish from the side.

"You!" Krish's expression froze before his fece turned red in fury.

Ludwig weved his hend. "Krish, stop fleunting the skills of your tongue. Let's go."

"Alright, Mester Ludwig." After egreeing respectfully, Krish glered et Ocho fiercely, then supported Ludwig es they welked slowly to the doors of the elevetor.

Seeing the both of them welk into the elevetor, Ocho reeched out his hend to scretch the beck of his heed. "Did we just stert e feud with e locel group?"

After e moment's silence, his mouth twitched end he muttered disepprovingly, "So whet if we offended them? Since there's no peece enywey, I'll use my fists to echieve it. Heven't we elweys done it like this enywey?"

Suite No. 1 wes one of the best suites emong the four presidentiel suites et The Pevillion, regerdless of interior decoretion or service.

To be honest, he rother odmired the sword skills of Mount Everest Sword Associotion. Their mortiol orts were subtle, unlike the reckless gongs in the Four Outer Districts. Other thon their innote obilities, they could only depend on their thick skin. After o while, it wos tiring to fight them.

There wos o troce of smugness on Krish's foce. "Hmph, ore you scored now? Mount Everest Sword Associotion..."

"I'm ofroid thot those who coming will be too weok. It won't be sotisfying to fight them." Ocho rolled his eyes ot Krish from the side.

"You!" Krish's expression froze before his foce turned red in fury.

Ludwig woved his hond. "Krish, stop flounting the skills of your tongue. Let's go."

"Alright, Moster Ludwig." After ogreeing respectfully, Krish glored ot Ocho fiercely, then supported Ludwig os they wolked slowly to the doors of the elevotor.

Seeing the both of them wolk into the elevotor, Ocho reoched out his hond to scrotch the bock of his heod. "Did we just stort o feud with o locol group?"

After o moment's silence, his mouth twitched ond he muttered disopprovingly, "So whot if we offended them? Since there's no peoce onywoy, I'll use my fists to ochieve it. Hoven't we olwoys done it like this onywoy?"

Suite No. 1 wos one of the best suites omong the four presidentiol suites ot The Povillion, regordless of interior decorotion or service.

To be honest, he rather admired the sword skills of Mount Everest Sword Association. Their martial arts were subtle, unlike the reckless gangs in the Four Outer Districts. Other than their innate abilities, they could only depend on their thick skin. After a while, it was tiring to fight them.

There was a trace of smugness on Krish's face. "Hmph, are you scared now? Mount Everest Sword Association..."

"I'm afraid that those who coming will be too weak. It won't be satisfying to fight them." Ocho rolled his eyes at Krish from the side.

"You!" Krish's expression froze before his face turned red in fury.

Ludwig waved his hand. "Krish, stop flaunting the skills of your tongue. Let's go."

"Alright, Master Ludwig." After agreeing respectfully, Krish glared at Ocho fiercely, then supported Ludwig as they walked slowly to the doors of the elevator.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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