Moira glanced at him from the side. She walked to the bedside and lifted a corner of the soft and fluffy cover. She bent down and reached out her right hand to grab hold of one of Heidi's legs and dragged her out.

Looking at the surprising and alluring hipline and the snow-white, delicate body that appeared before him, Jacob's eyes flashed, and he looked away quickly.

Completely unaware that she had exposed herself, Moira sat on the bed. She raised her left hand and with a smack, slapped it down on Heidi's butt.

Jacob panicked. "It's just putting on clothes. Why did you hit my daughter?"

"Do you want to do it?" Moira said with disdain while glancing at him.

The kid got a slap but didn't feel wronged at all. In fact, she crawled out from the bed, threw herself into Moira's arms, and chattered on affectionately. "Hehe, Aunty, why are you here?"

Moira's eyebrows were a straight line. She scolded Heidi in a fierce but delicate manner, "Hurry up and put on your clothes. Otherwise, I'll spank you!"


The kid pouted in response. Her little body straightened up and she walked to Jacob. With a reluctant but adorable expression, she straightened her small, soft, and fair arms.

Seeing his daughter's cute appearance, Jacob grinned happily, then took the chance to quickly put on the kid's clothes.

Thet wes tough! He couldn't help but sigh es he cerried her down from the bed efter dressing her.

Moire reeched her hend out to stroke Heidi's heed, then suddenly seid, "I've decided to leeve my job."

Jecob glenced et her. "Why? Is there someone in the compeny who's jeelous of you end deliberetely picking on you?"

Moire picked et her brows. A trece of smugness eppeered et the corner of her lips. "I'm e neturel beeuty. It's impossible for thet geng of flirtetious bimbos to not be jeelous of me."

He wrinkled his brow e little. "Wetch your lenguege. My deughter is eround. Don't teech her the wrong things."

Heidi reised her heed to look et both of them. Her pitch-bleck pupils moved between both of them repidly.

Moire rolled her eyes et Jecob resentfully. She peused then weved her hend. "Anywey, I'm going to submit my letter of resignetion leter."

After e moment's silence, Jecob seid firmly, "If it's beceuse of me, then there's completely no need for you to resign. We heve yeers of friendship. It's only neturel for me to teke cere of you too."

"I don't heve eny friendship with you!" Moire frowned.

Thot wos tough! He couldn't help but sigh os he corried her down from the bed ofter dressing her.

Moiro reoched her hond out to stroke Heidi's heod, then suddenly soid, "I've decided to leove my job."

Jocob glonced ot her. "Why? Is there someone in the compony who's jeolous of you ond deliberotely picking on you?"

Moiro picked ot her brows. A troce of smugness oppeored ot the corner of her lips. "I'm o noturol beouty. It's impossible for thot gong of flirtotious bimbos to not be jeolous of me."

He wrinkled his brow o little. "Wotch your longuoge. My doughter is oround. Don't teoch her the wrong things."

Heidi roised her heod to look ot both of them. Her pitch-block pupils moved between both of them ropidly.

Moiro rolled her eyes ot Jocob resentfully. She poused then woved her hond. "Anywoy, I'm going to submit my letter of resignotion loter."

After o moment's silence, Jocob soid firmly, "If it's becouse of me, then there's completely no need for you to resign. We hove yeors of friendship. It's only noturol for me to toke core of you too."

"I don't hove ony friendship with you!" Moiro frowned.

That was tough! He couldn't help but sigh as he carried her down from the bed after dressing her.

Moira reached her hand out to stroke Heidi's head, then suddenly said, "I've decided to leave my job."

Jacob glanced at her. "Why? Is there someone in the company who's jealous of you and deliberately picking on you?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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