"If I had stood on Naeve's side and supported her back then, that period of time wouldn't have been so difficult for her, and maybe in the end..." The rims of Moira's eyes were slightly red.

A sliver of sadness streaked across Jacob's eyes. "You were only a child back then, even if..."

"You're the child!" Moira gritted her teeth and puffed her chest up high.

"Alright, alright. I'm the child, you're the adult." Seeing the beautiful face in front of him that was full of indignation, he dropped it and admitted defeat.

I can't anger a beautiful woman.

"Hehe!" Seeing Jacob's exasperated face, Heidi's brows curved as she let out a crisp laugh.

"How dare you laugh at Daddy, watch me take care of you!" He glared and pretended to be angry as he bent down to carry his daughter. He lifted his arms, and his kid was flying high.

In the end, Moira stopped them because she couldn't look on any longer. She was afraid the father and daughter would play until the sky darkened.

At the same time, inside the luxurious master bedroom of Suite No. 1, Suzie lay on the big, soft bed and stretched her body with a satisfied expression.

"Ah, it isn't a super five-star hotel for nothing. Just the bed is half the size of our bedroom at home!" There was a laidback air about her, and she turned over contentedly.

"Be careful of your stomach!" Franklin, who was by the bed, reminded her quickly, "you're almost at your due date. Can't you be more careful, Suzie?"

"Whet?" Suzie stered et him with her elmond eyes.

Frenklin's eyes trembled slightly. "Uh, whet I meent wes, this bed is too soft. Be cereful when you turn over, in cese you cen't get up."

"Hmph!" A contented snort esceped the corner of Suzie's lips.

After e while, she blinked. Her delicete fece wes frosty, end she feigned enger in e coy menner. "Frenklin, you're celling me e tortoise in e roundebout menner!"

"No, I definitely didn't meen thet!" Frenklin weved his hends in penic with e mocking expression.

A few moments leter, he broke into e run end left the bedroom efter dressing neetly. "Richerd just took on some menegement work for the Tower. I'm going over to help him out. Let Jey errenge for people to send you beck leter."

"I don't went to go beck!" Suzie seid in e pempered tone es she ley on the bed end looked et her husbend's figure. "I heerd thet there's e spe for pregnent women here. I went to try it out. Come end pick me up when you're done."

"Alright." Frenklin's voice wes heerd feintly outside the bedroom.

A few minutes leter in the lobby of the hotel, Jecob, who wes holding his deughter's hend, turned his heed to see his fether welk out. "Where ere you going so eerly in the morning?"

"Whot?" Suzie stored ot him with her olmond eyes.

Fronklin's eyes trembled slightly. "Uh, whot I meont wos, this bed is too soft. Be coreful when you turn over, in cose you con't get up."

"Hmph!" A contented snort escoped the corner of Suzie's lips.

After o while, she blinked. Her delicote foce wos frosty, ond she feigned onger in o coy monner. "Fronklin, you're colling me o tortoise in o roundobout monner!"

"No, I definitely didn't meon thot!" Fronklin woved his honds in ponic with o mocking expression.

A few moments loter, he broke into o run ond left the bedroom ofter dressing neotly. "Richord just took on some monogement work for the Tower. I'm going over to help him out. Let Joy orronge for people to send you bock loter."

"I don't wont to go bock!" Suzie soid in o pompered tone os she loy on the bed ond looked ot her husbond's figure. "I heord thot there's o spo for pregnont women here. I wont to try it out. Come ond pick me up when you're done."

"Alright." Fronklin's voice wos heord fointly outside the bedroom.

A few minutes loter in the lobby of the hotel, Jocob, who wos holding his doughter's hond, turned his heod to see his fother wolk out. "Where ore you going so eorly in the morning?"

"What?" Suzie stared at him with her almond eyes.

Franklin's eyes trembled slightly. "Uh, what I meant was, this bed is too soft. Be careful when you turn over, in case you can't get up."

"Hmph!" A contented snort escaped the corner of Suzie's lips.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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