The Girl Come Back Is Super Chapter 1646

“Huh?” Nikita blinked, a bit surprised. “Don’t you have her on WhatsApp? Why don’t you ask her instead of me?

Did something come up between you two?”

“No.” Sylvester took another sip of his drink. “I saw her Ins, she seemed busy lately so I didn’t bother her.”

“Oh.” Even though Nikita found him a bit odd, she didn’t think much of it. “I rarely see her, so I’m not sure what she’s up to lately.”

“That guy named Samuel, are they pretty close?” Sylvester raised his head a bit, his expression seemed a bit off.

“I see him a lot on her Ins.”

“Yeah, they’ve known each other for a long time”

“Really.” Sylvester’s voice sounded a bit muffled.

Nikita found him even more peculiar.

Why is he so interested in Tammy?

looked at Sylvester with a grin, teasing him, * Sylvester, do you fancy her? Just go for it, you’re so handsome and you’re the son

head away, a faint blush

‘l know everything’ expression, tutted, and continued to tease, “You guys are

the son of a noble, and both of you are about

is her cousin. If you two really get together,

be a lot of boys who like her. If you don’t make your move, someone else might beat you to it. Don’t say I

mouth as if

Tammy with her brash

feel a sense

  • After dinner, Nikita answered a call from Sheehan.

I’ve been trying

voice came from the phone, laced with a

M country, with Sylvester.” Nikita

was silent for a while after

tell me you were going to M country? Was

Nacy, led by Sylvester. She walked slowly, her voice

clear my head, will

a few seconds, then said, “Alright, have fun. When you’re

couldn’t help but ask, “Sheehan,

lightly, “Why would I be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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