Peerless Jackt explained, "You wouldn't know this, sir, but I began my journey as soon as you procured the ring. I was late, however, because Pax Jaric did not pass you the emblem, and I had nothing to prove who I said I was.

would also stop me from issuing fake orders in your name."

"Things are different now, though-Pax told me he gave you the emblem, so I had to come see you. Anyway, I'm yours to command, be it as a messenger or a fighter. If you don't trust me, we can go together to meet the other deputies. It's only right as a formality, while it Frank shook his head. "I want nothing. The legion should just stay hidden-that's all I ask for."

As she spoke, he tore a chunk of his shirt and walked up to Ida, intending to bandage her.

Still, Peerless Jackt strode up before he could, whipping out a small bottle of potion. He poured it over Ida's wounds, and that healed her injury visibly!

"Shit, that's amazing!" Ida exclaimed in surprise, candid as ever and not bothered by the fact that Peerless Jackt had almost killed her moments ago.

Peerless Jackt puffed his chest proudly. "Sally York can harvest the energy of the spiritron vein to create an art wight. This, on the other hand, is directly granted by the spiritron vein!"

shock. "Does that mean it can heal anything, no matter how

can bring a person back to life. Scientifically

nodded that made sense. If the spiritron

fact that Sally had harnessed the energy of the

boys talk. I'll step outside," Ida then said, able to tell that Peerless Jackt had more to tell Frank

closed the

it that you've seen the transfer

a base to lure the metahumans from around

speak as if you can defeat the

be guardians of the Shagan spiritron vein. So how did a plain Jane like Sally manage to bypass you and steal its energy with none the wiser?" Peerless Jackt smiled and shook his head. "We're not omniscient. Also, the

a position to fight them directly either. Despite having the blessings of the Shagan spiritron vein, it was fractional, and we can't spare that many

operations across the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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