The Devendill Prison.

In this prison, the most vicious prisoners in the world were detained. All of them were famous for their evil reputation. There were agents who stole state secrets, killers who assassinated the president, and warlords who slaughtered tens of thousands of captives.

Nathan Evans dressed in his prison guard uniform and was practicing handwriting in his father’s study. His writing was firm and elegant.

“Mr. Nathan, help! Killer and Lobo are fighting…”A prison guard stumbled in and said in horror.

Nathan sighed and threw a page of his handwriting at him. “Show them this paper and let them clean the toilet for three days. If they don’t obey, I will press their heads into the toilet again.”

“Yes, Mr. Nathan!” The prison guard was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly grabbed the paper and ran away.

Killer was the most famous assassin of all time, he was imprisoned for assassinating the President of Nordime. And Lobo was the leader of a massive organization in the Underground, he was imprisoned for stealing and selling nuclear warheads.

“Mr. Nathan, please help! Butcher was unhappy with his food and injured several other prison guards!” Another prison guard rushed in a panic.

Nathan raised his brows and threw another page at the prison guard. “Let him wash the dishes in the kitchen for a month, and if he doesn’t obey, I will hang him up in the square for another three days!”

The prison guard grabbed the paper and trotted away.

Butcher was a terrifying warlord who had slaughtered more than ten thousand prisoners and believed that human life was useless as dust.

“Mr. Nathan, save us! That Jack who exterminated the General of Nievic’s family went crazy again and demolished our confinement room!”

Nathan was a bit annoyed.

He threw out the handwriting he had just written and said coldly, “Ask him to break his legs and lie in the cell for a month. I will throw him in a cesspool if he dares to come out in advance!”

The prison guard immediately grabbed the page and rushed out.

Nathan patted his forehead and scolded, “What a mess! Dad has left for three years without any news!”

As usual, he walked out of the study, checked the time, and went to the courtyard to inspect.

the courtyard. When they saw Nathan, they all lowered their heads and

Can you help me send this letter to my family?

earned hundreds of billions of dollars reselling national resources. He ran up with a

of Hechland, who committed a heavy

day, Mr. Nathan!” The former head of the

them was enough to shock society. But at this moment, they bowed their

a bad mood recently. Don’t start any trouble.” Nathan

was stunned

returned to his office, a prison

raised his brows and said impatiently,

this time. A beautiful female general has escorted a prisoner here.” The prison


asked to see you and

“She knows

guarding a cage with a gloomy man trapped

of you will survive When I get out of here!” The man

turned away, afraid that this man would remember

was standing beside them. She was tall and slender, and she

after he came outside. His uniform was crumpled, and he seemed

as she looked down at Nathan, the two Dragon stars on her shoulders seemed to bring out her unique

annoyed by her gaze. “Who’s

superior ordered me to escort him

and asked, “You asked to see

am Jade Perkins, and I came to tell you that we are

he was slightly stunned

stars on Nathan’s epaulets indifferently. He

won’t marry you,” Jade said lightly, with


“Any objections?”

and slowly tore it into two pieces. The

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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