Luisa still wanted Nathan to buy the contracts from Natalie and compensate the 150 million.

“Aunt Luisa, I’ve bought the contracts of the relatives, and I have no money in hand, Nathan said helplessly and showed her the balance of the deposit.

When Luisa saw it, she rolled her eyes angrily, and said, “You have so much money, but you didn’t give it to your family first!”

Nathan was a little dissatisfied with Luisa, but he didn’t say anything.

Nathan Evans, who was so powerful, would only be humble in the Johnson family.

“Nathan, you helped this time, and I will return the money to you,” Natalie said to Nathan with a cold face.

“Okay” Nathan shrugged.

Since Natalie wanted to draw a clear line with him, he didn’t care about it.

“Do you think I’ll be moved? That’s impossible!” Natalie said coldly.

Nathan tilted his head Natalie was thinking too much, and he didn’t have this idea. After all, he knew the value of Murcol.

Wasn’t he a fool if he didn’t make money?

Moreover, it could also solve the troubles of the Johnson family.

Hector had some worries about Nathan’s money, but Nathan asked him not to worry.

saved up before leaving the Evans family. I’ll find a way

to herself, and her

Giradia Group is going to hold a dinner party tonight. Take Nathan with you, and let

and then said to Nathan, “Don’t embarrass

Nathan was speechless.

financial experts came to Giradia Group.

immediately arranged this dinner and invited celebrities to attend. At the same time, she wanted to use the reputation of these two experts to frighten

was Smith, so they were known as the “Mr.


her work ID as the president of

top figures today.” Hannah wore a red dress, which set off her figure very

earlier than me…” Natalie

the dinner party was hasty, so some bigwigs from other provinces didn’t

suit seemed a bit

said, “Why don’t

from Giradia Group temporarily. I

was happy in her heart. If Natalie really wanted to, she could take Nathan to go to the mall to buy a new

food on the long table,

It’s a shame…

this, Natalie shook her head, regretting that she promised his father to bring Nathan

appeared, the people immediately surrounded him and

is also one of the largest groups in Mimar City

eyes, she laughed in her heart

taught a lesson by Nathan Moreover, with Nathan’s background, he was not afraid of Roarclaws Group at all, and he

isn’t that Grace?” Hannah suddenly

become a big star…” Natalie looked at

spokesperson? I think she is pretty good,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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