Zavier waved his hands, and generously said, “Never mind. Today is a happy day, there is no need to make trouble.”

“You’re pathetic! You and Natalie are both pathetic! One will only cause trouble, and the other will only lose money!” Bailey sneered.

Nathan said indifferently, “Bailey, talking about losing money in business, no one can surpass you.”

Bailey frowned and said, “What do you mean? Do you have any proof? If not, don’t be ridiculous.”

Nathan said, “You sold all the grand in Murcol at once. Do you know how much loss this caused? At least one billion dollars!”

After hearing this, Bailey burst out laughing and said, “A loss?!”

“It’s ridiculous! In a place like Murcol, you said that I sold it for a loss of one billion dollars? You’re talking rubbish! Just say the account as much as you want, right? Haha!”

Nathan said indifferently, “The grand in Murcol is a focus of planning in the future. But you’ve sold it. It was a huge loss! You missed an opportunity to make Johnson Group come to life again!”

“What? Did I hear it wrongly? The grand in Murcol will be a focus of planning in the future?” The relatives also laughed.

“Is there something wrong in his mind? He just said that to help Natalie! Last time, he paid more than 5 million dollars to buy my contract! He is an idiot!” Natalie’s aunt, who sold the contract to Nathan last time, explained to other relatives.

There was mockery and contempt on her face.

Zavier couldn’t help laughing, and said, “Are you kidding me?”

“My family in Mimar City, even in Neva Province, can be considered an influential family! Why have I never heard of this news? You are just a prison guard, where did you get this news? Are you the illegitimate son of the head of the country? Hahaha…”

frowned and

me, but don’t kid yourself with your lies! This matter end here, don’t mention ‘Murcol‘ in front of me

turned around and went into the house. Everyone ridiculed him for a while, and then turned and

and call me father right now, and then swear never get close to Angelina, I can consider letting you go! Otherwise,

“What are you barking in dog,

by these words, and when he was about to get angry, Nathan had

get angry with this jerk. He’s just a kept man. Without the Johnson family, he’s only a beggar!” Bailey

How he will have the face

She had long been hated Nathan, and she even knelt down and called him father after losing the bet. Now, with a powerful figure

Johnson wore a red suit today, looking very festive. He greeted

the things?” Old Mr. Johnson asked with

out.” Natalie pursed her lips and nodded, “Jose has been fired

took a project worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to fool us? Well, with your ability and your good–for–nothing husband, what

the famous Sanchez Fist in Neva Province. He is here to celebrate your

family was a famous family, especially the Sanchez Pharm, which was a large enterprise worth billions of

she got to Old Mr. Johnson, but

in the Johnson family was

the birthday present

would understand him. Not to mention trusting himself, at least not being cold to

separate when

thought. He was peace

together and

“I have another gift for

polite.” Old Mr. Johnson rubbed his hands

million dollars in Sanchez Pharm. We are willing to contract it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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