Molie didn’t know why she wanted to be a tough warrior instead of a delicate and gentle girl. But there was a fire and a burst of anger in her heart, and this feeling was constantly urging her to make progress.

Steven also enjoyed the process of training her very much. Watching her become stronger under his guidance made him feel gratified.

Molie wanted to practice a few more rounds until she received a call.

“Let’s call it a day. I have an important meeting to attend tomorrow, and I guess I can’t show up with bruises all over my face.”

Everyone in the company wouldn’t be surprised when Molie showed up with bruises, but the outsiders probably wouldn’t feel the same.

“What meeting?” Steven asked casually.

“Drug Bidding Conference.” Molie said, “A new type of Cerebral Neurotrophic Solution. The price is pretty high, but the profit is quite tempting.”

Steven asked, “Which company developed it?”

Molie said, “Northern Biotech. It seems to be a semi-state-owned enterprise, and the president is Jarrod Larrson.”

Then, Molie introduced this newly developed drug to Steven in detail.

During the development period of this drug, it had already attracted much attention and had been widely publicized. Now that it had been successfully developed, hospitals in all major provinces had begun to put it in use.

“Wonder Pharm will definitely come to bid. They are in the limelight, and we need to be prepared.” Molie said worriedly.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of…” Steven yawned lazily. “Get ready. We’ll attend together tomorrow.”

Molie nodded and stood up. But now, her body had cooled down, and her bruises made her feel extremely painful.

Steven saw her baring her teeth, so he decided to show mercy and heal her wounds.

part of your body. Don’t be

couldn’t help being angry and

on her back and

hard. Then, he used the gold needles to puncture her acupoints

skin is so nice…” Steven pulled out the gold needles

was shocked. She immediately turned around and

her wrist. “Wow! You actually

face went red. “It… It’s just a subconscious reaction.

That’s more like it. This kind of reaction is perfect. It is called responding to stimulation. Once stimulated, you will immediately react and make a counterattack… However, you still need more practice.

had said, Molie couldn’t help being pleasantly surprised. Feeling her progress day by day was very

embarrassed. She felt very stressed when facing this pervert while

must think of the Roaring Fists I mentioned. It can help

lobster. “When you point to my belly, can you not look at

Besides, you know how big

could you even say

her injury before

to look at Molie’s breast, but his mind was restless. Josef worried something might happen if he kept watching. If Molie asked

Shall we have dinner together?” Molie suddenly

I guess I have to say

don’t think I’m ugly with

indeed affect

Molie’s face turned pale.

“But I don’t mind. I

instantly felt delighted

pursed her lips and said, “But I don’t like you at all. I

smiled and didn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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