In order to prevent the hotel from being vandalized again or to seek revenge, Anson specifically invited Disrak to join his team. As a result, the hotel now had foreign investment and was no longer an easy target for vandalism by Alder and his men.

Alder disdained how Anson played dirty with him. The other party had underestimated the scheming Mozart.

“Mr. Evans, Wesley from Barnes Pharmaceutical is here. Do you want to meet him?” Sonya knocked on the door and came in.

“Wesley? I’m not interested in meeting that idiot…” Alder directly shook his head.

Last time, Alder asked Josua to personally go to Barnes Pharmaceutical to talk to Wesley about pharmaceutical matters. In the end, Wesley, who sided with MacMillan, directly refused and humiliated Josua. Now, Poly Pharmaceutical had launched the drug produced by Sanchez Pharm, and the benefits were huge, which immediately made Wesley jealous.

What made him even more furious was that MacMillan had ended the class and Alder’s drugs had passed inspection.

Sonya nodded, walked out and replied to Wesley, “Mr. Evans said that he’s not interested in seeing you. Mr. Sanders, please go back…”

Wesley said with a wry smile, “Sonya, please help me and say something nice…‘’

While speaking, Wesley stretched out his hand and stuffed something over.

Sonya looked down and saw that it was a check worth over one hundred thousand dollars. He couldn’t help but be surprised that Wesley was really willing to spend his money.

Generally speaking, those who engaged in the pharmaceutical business were relatively generous. After all, most of them needed to deal with the government staff, so they must show their generosity.

Sonya smiled and said, “Mr. Sanders, do you think I’m a beggar? I don’t need this money. I still have several million in my bank.”

Moreover, Sonya had received gifts from Alder that cost 600 thousand dollars, plus her high salary. She was indeed not short of money at all.


see you. It’s useless for you to stay here. Please go

left dejectedly. But not long after, Caleb and Carlos came

was visiting his master, Abraham, he was actually there as a spokesperson for

with the production demand. Therefore,

did Wesley pay you to be a

give me money.” Carlos spread his hands and added, “Caleb begged me, so I am willing

old but still respected Alder very much. After all, he had learned a lot of

and he listened to Mr. MacMillan’s bullshit. He already knew he was wrong, so please give him a chance. Besides, the current production capacity of the

Solution is even more troublesome. If we can participate, the profit can be increased a lot… I’m also to blame for this

didn’t dislike Caleb. Moreover, the production capacity of Poly Pharmaceutical’s special medicine and Cerebral Neurotrophic

these four types of medicines were so huge that almost as soon as they were produced, they were contracted by the Méreau Clinic and the major branches of the Rosefinch War Zone. Alder also intended to expand the production scale, but it

tell him to call Ms. Ranchy himself, and if Ms.

hands and said, ”Thank

Caleb also

who was on a business trip in Emperia

asked, “What did I say back then? Do you still

at the beginning, and I remember. I regret it now… I am a

you a chance? When I gave

my mistake. Ms. Ranchy, please give me a

repeated apologies, and considering that Sanchez Pharm was experiencing production difficulties, she said, “Alright, I’ll talk to Mr. Evans about it. But, we need

up to your arrangement as long as you can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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