Yolanda was passionate. He made her a little confused and suffocated.

Her lips and tongue were slightly numb, and her sight became blurry… After all, she was considered an older unmarried woman.

How could she not crave and be curious about the things that happen between men and women?

“When will you let me go to your house?” Yolanda couldn’t help asking, and he was even more eager for Viola who was trained by him to be more excellent.

Viola pursed her lips lightly, buried her head on his shoulder, and said hesitantly, “After going to Rikkus… Okay?”

Yolanda said, “Show me your b*easts…”

Viola pushed him away fiercely, and said angrily, “Rascal!”

Yolanda didn’t know why he came up with this idea. Perhaps he couldn’t help it or fell in love deeply. This sentence made Viola feel that he lacked respect for her.

“Sorry, I just like you so much.” Yolanda smiled and reached out to hold her hands.

Viola was initially very angry, but suddenly, she felt shy. She thought how Yolanda could be so shameless by often confessing to and teasing her. He even took advantage of her while teaching martial arts. But Viola did not hate it.

Yolanda shamelessly asked, “So, do you like me?”

Viola was speechless at this.

Yolanda said, “I yearn for you as much as a deer longs for a brook.”

Viola said, “Don’t fool me with your sweet talk…”

Then, she lowered her head and said in a low voice, “However, I like it very much…She said she liked it very much, but she didn’t mention whether she liked Yolanda or what he said. But this also made Yolanda very happy. After all, Viola had never directly expressed such feelings to him, so this was considered an improvement.

afraid of dating because anything she had liked since she was a child could only be

worried that if she liked something, she

there is a line of lyrics that suits

true… Can’t take

me to continue to discover.” Yolanda spoke softly, coaxing Viola

felt that she was blissful

I’m a treasure?” Viola

“Yes…” Yolanda nodded earnestly.

exposed. Perhaps it was because she liked Astor, so she found everything

had complained about his low EQ all the time, would be able to talk about love in a wild

breasts…” Yolanda felt that this

can touch it. But just…” Viola took a deep breath and responded with a

approval, Yolanda didn’t hesitate anymore. After all, hesitating

an office, he wouldn’t have to wait until he went to Rikkus. But he was happy in

pushed his hand away, stood up and adjusted her clothes, looked at him and

and said, “I won’t wash

contemptuously, “Whatever

a bit of reluctance in her heart. That feeling was amazing as it was like getting an electric

the fun today? You have such a nice

Viola couldn’t help coming over

then, she would smile. Her smile attracted the attention

lucky! It seems that I

even wanted

Viola. No matter what, I must be the only man

Viola as he left the company, he quietly rubbed her cheek with his fingers. Viola was not angry this time but made

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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