Milos sat on the sofa without moving. He just watched coldly as the soldiers smashed the newly renovated hotel to pieces again using their engineering shovels. He didn’t even bother to say anything more threatening.

Since Amber had taken action, he should know the consequences. He wanted to see if the other party could bear it.

Anson smiled and said, “Mr. Evans, you are really courageous to have destroyed a foreign-funded enterprise!”

“Shut up!” Amber raised his leg and kicked Anson in the belly.

Anson fell to the ground.

“Didn’t I tell you just now not to babble in front of me?” Amber looked down at Anson, who was full of pain, and said with a sinister smile.

Anson felt his stomach churning and couldn’t say a word. He felt like all his intestines were twisted together, causing him unbearable discomfort.

Amber said with a smile, “I didn’t want to mess with you, but you keep disturbing me!”

Nireeh was already trembling with anger. He couldn’t understand if Thunder went crazy by promoting such a guy to the position of brigadier of the Political Office.

Did Thunder think there weren’t enough problems already?

“I hope you can hold on!” Milos got angry and stood up, ready to leave.

Nireeh hurriedly said, “Mr. Milos, let’s discuss it again…”

Milos sneered, “What else is there to discuss? My loss has already been caused, and he was the one who caused it!”

After saying this, Milos ignored Nireeh and walked away.

“Are you allowed to leave, Bastard?” Amber asked calmly.

Milos was taken aback and said, “Why do you still want to make me stay? Haven’t you realized how serious the matter has become?”

Nireeh said angrily, “Brigadier General Evans, don’t act recklessly. You have already made a mistake, so don’t make the same mistake again and again!”

of endangering the

company commander was in full swing, and after hearing Amber’s words, he immediately led two

Amber to dare to go so far, not to mention

this a hardline

control his personal freedom to solve

they easily capture

tie his

He felt that Amber was really a fool. When he did something, he only cared about momentary pleasure and didn’t care about the

hotel was smashed, and Milos was

responsibility if the Nievic officials came looking

could handle international public opinion if

your own way and harming everyone. Now, no one will be able to protect you!” Nireeh

has nothing to do with you,” Amber

you crazy? Do you not take national

up behind Milos and kicked

no grievances with you. Since you have killed her, I have to settle the debt with

accounts with me? You’re not even qualified! If you have the guts, keep me locked up. But as long as I have any contact with the outside world, I’ll make sure you’re finished

Amber smiled suddenly.

the muzzle was pointed at

he shouted

also couldn’t help

“I don’t think you dare to shoot me because I’m

kidnap people had already gone too far, but they didn’t expect him to even pull out

shot directly

splashed and flew directly onto his trousers, which made him frown and shake his

are f*cking crazy!”

room for change in this

an overwhelming

could withstand such a

scene, he couldn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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