Seeney was lying on the ground unconscious, obviously caused by too much water.

The eyes of the golden boy and the jade girl turned around on Nathan, and then fell on Seeney.

“This man is very dangerous. I feel like I'm being targeted by a tiger. Do you want to hit him?” the jade girl asked in a low voice.

Although she was tall and fat, she was a woman after all, and she had to listen to the golden boy.

The golden boy clung to the edge of the basket with both hands, looked carefully at Nathan, and replied, “I may not be able to kill him with a gun. This man is very powerful, and he is so clever that no one can attack him...”

The jade girl hesitated and said, “But the bounty for killing Seeney is quite a lot!”

The eyes of the golden boy and the jade girl turned around on Nathan, and then fell on Seeney.

“This man is very dangerous. I feel like I'm being targeted by a tiger. Do you want to hit him?” the jade girl asked in a low voice.

Although she was tall and fat, she was a woman after all, and she had to listen to the golden boy.

The golden boy clung to the edge of the basket with both hands, looked carefully at Nathan, and replied, “I may not be able to kill him with a gun. This man is very powerful, and he is so clever that no one can attack him...”

The jade girl hesitated and said, “But the bounty for killing Seeney is quite a lot!”

The golden boy said, “Would you like to try?”

The jade girl said, “Try!”

While speaking, the jade girl had already set off, and her tall and fat body shook like a big bear waking up from hibernation. However, she moved very nimbly. Her figure was like lightning and a gust of wind. She rushed towards Nathan with a swish. And her legs switched to the ground, like a galloping horse!

As soon as the jade girl was about two meters in front of Nathan, she raised her hand and punched straight into his head!

Nathan was standing in the same place, motionless as a mountain. A stream of water came out of his body.

This was because the heat from the boiling blood evaporated the remaining river water on his body surface and clothes.

me, you still want to attack? It seems that you are looking for

sandbag slammed into his palm hard, but it felt as if the force was like a mud cow entering

Don't give him

after, her feet trembled,

his right hand, swung it down, hit her fist with a snap, and

of her fist was touched by high voltage electricity, it was numb and painful to the bone marrow.

is quite good, but it’s a pity that it hit the wrong person!” Nathan

back his right hand, and

afterwards, with a swipe of his wrist, he was about to finish it. But the golden boy took

moment the golden boy pulled the trigger, he twisted his body

the jade girl immediately shook her body, threw out her fists, and

still a golden boy in her back basket with a gun in his hand. If he dared to grab the center line, the golden boy would be able to shoot him right

could only

and pulled away, which was a

Nathan could be said to be in

gun was fired, Nathan saw a white line running towards his forehead, which

the gun rang, Nathan

has been practiced to the bone. Be careful, don't let him seize the opportunity. We must force him to death!” The golden boy said

chased after him. Her fingers were like awls together, and directly

his arm to block He had to pay attention to the golden boy’s spear, so he made a decisive decision and swung his right arm to block the jade girl's hand from outside. But the jade girl had a series of killing moves. She stepped forward continuously, and took two steps

nailed the forehead, and the progress

Nathan waited for was this moment. His left hand was raised at this moment, his right arm moved forward to catch the right hand of the jade girl, and his left

was cut by this palm, the bones inside would be

good, the golden

body had already changed. He immediately put his hands away and turned his body sideways. At the same time, his whole body was still floating backwards. But what made the golden boy feel horrified

person was pulling at

shoulder, and grabbed the golden boy's wrist, but his body was still

Nathan stopped moving, and with a Phoenix Nod, he stretched out his hand, grabbed the golden boy, and pulled him out of the jade girl’s

and she reached out her hand to stop the golden boy,

felt as if his bones

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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