How she wished she could have a proper drink too. Just as well she couldn’t—the aroma of bourbon playing under her nose made her belly recoil. Or was that terror of where this conversation was going?

Retreat wasn’t an option. Not any more. Their time had come.

‘This is all your fault,’ she said starkly, holding his eyes, refusing to let their hold drop. ‘When we married, all I felt towards you was a severe degree of lust. If we’d kept it at sex, I probably would have been fine—lust is intransigent. It would have fizzled out eventually.’ But as she spoke the words, she realised them to be a lie. She’d already been in love with him.

‘Instead, you withdrew physically,’ she continued. ‘But you’ve been...good to me. You look out for me but don’t try and inhibit or stifle me. You’re supportive and enthusiastic. You made me trust you.’

Something flickered in his eyes at her utterance of the word trust. She hardly believed it herself but it was the truth. Somewhere along the line she had begun to trust him. She’d fought it and fought it but it had crept up on her all the same. Just as her love for him had.

‘If I’m such a good guy then what is the problem here?’

‘This pregnancy has changed me. You’ve changed me. I deserve love and all that it can give. And so do you.’

‘Do you hear what you’re saying?’ he asked roughly, his eyes wild as he took a step back. ‘All this crap about love when we both know all it does is destroy people.’

only destroys if the person allows it. My father allowed it and so did

right—we don’t. And we won’t. People who take the risk are weak and foolish and

must be weak and

can’t be the man you think you want,’ he warned. ‘I have no capacity to love and, even if I

are you going?’ he demanded when she suddenly turned away

‘To pack.’

‘For where?’


flight doesn’t leave until

doors open, pulled out her small carry-on case and placed it

He didn’t love her.

love her. He wouldn’t

call me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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