But the words went unsaid. If she thought for a second there was a chance that in the future his feelings could develop as hers had, she would say them.

What kind of idiot fell in love with a man incapable of returning it?

Had she been fool enough to hope his feelings would change as hers had? No, she hadn’t been stupid enough to think that. But still she’d fallen for him.

‘What do you think the press are going to say when they learn our marriage barely lasted two months?’ he asked, his voice cold and terse.

‘Let them think and write what they like. I have finally grown an immunity to them.’ Three months ago, the thought of them crucifying her for the whole of Italy’s delectation had made her want to vomit. Now...let them write what they liked. The fear she had felt of the press since she’d been seventeen had gone. She didn’t know when it had happened, only that it had.

She was an adult. She controlled her life, not the press.

‘And what about when our child grows up and reads about it?’ he snarled.

‘Then we will tell our child the truth. There’s been enough lies.’

the time to think. When you get back we can discuss this like rational adults and find a way to thrash out a marriage that suits

way thrashing anything out will change my mind.

into the spare room. His room. He’d never wanted to share hers. He

to blind her, Alessandra scraped her hair into a tight ponytail, carried her suitcase

of here before he comes back out. Please, before my strength deserts me and I throw myself

and walked straight into

of paparazzi swarmed her, closing in, leaving her trapped between them and the door she

is the

how do you feel about becoming

was the

there to catch her, she would surely have fallen. As it was, Christian gathered her to him, protecting her with his strength, and

on his heel and marched back

* * *

poured himself another

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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