The Innocent Wife of Scheming President

Chapter 21: I Divorced (1)

At the crucial moment, Olive’s mobile phone rang. Olive’s father’s voice was in a hurry and panic, “Olive, your mother has a stroke and is in the hospital. Come and have a look.”

Olive’s mind went blank, “How did this happen?”

“I don’t know. She was watching TV as usual, and she said she was about to pour a glass of water to drink. She fainted as soon as she got up. Now she is in emergency room."

“I’ll be right over.” After hanging up the phone, Olive put the bag in her hand and quickly got up. “Mr. Hoyle, I’m sorry I can’t eat with you today. I had to go first.”

The more anxious, the worse, she couldn’t stop an empty taxi when hailing a taxi. Looking at the taxies flying past her without a taxi to stop, her face became pale and she stamped her feet with anger.

Alan drove up to her, “get in. I’ll take you, but you have to show me the way.”

Olive hesitated for only a second before she quickly opening the door and sitting up, “thank you.”

Arriving at the hospital, Olive’s mother happened to be pushed out of the emergency room.

“Doctor, how is my mother?”

“Doctor, how is my wife?”

Olive and her father asked simultaneously.

The doctor took off the mask, “Because of the timely rescue, she has no life danger, and will soon wake up, but she needs to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days.”

against the wall, and relieved. It’s

them helped and comforted each other in the most of their lives. Although their lives had not been easy, they never quarreled with each other. Olive always felt that her parents were the most loving couple in the world, and if something happened to her mother, she couldn’t imagine whether

it’s all right now.

“One of you will pay for it.” The nurse said.

came with a cost. You would be reprimanded, withdrawn medicine, and kicked out of the hospital, if you didn’t

dad. You

window, she found that she didn’t had enough money to pay cost.

“Use this.” Alan passed a bank card.

her mother that she never noticed him running up and down with her. She

else I

days.” Was this the reason that she looked at him a few times, and naturally

your paycheck. If you want a few days off, I’ll give you a week’s paid leave. In seven days,

does you have to hire the employee like me who wants to leave you company?”

“Mr. Geve is very appreciating you. Although his company has sold me and he knows there will be some changes in his personnel, he has consistently recommended you.”

was just that. She thought too much. But suddenly he changed his tone, “And if I want to keep a person, she won’t be able to leave even

suddenly be confused

Chloe this afternoon, “Honey, I’m finally free. Why don’t you come to waittingbar tonight and have a

After all, the prince and Cinderella’s story ended. The happy ending only existed in the fairy tale, and the reality was always very cruel.

that Olive couldn’t imagine that she could be

not a man down and out. Even when he was down and out, he was a man of strong background. The

woman, she throwing down the

this bar. He was tall with white skin, like years without sunshine. He had a kind of weak feminine beauty with a popular word to describe

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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