Alan looked at her coldly, "assistant Steele, you can confidently and smoothly present the date about the ten years in the meeting, and even made the analysis to the point. Do you think I will believe that you didn’t complete the preparation of the meeting materials?"

Olive was starling, this man was quite wise. She felt his black eyes, as if with a sharp light and would penetrate her body. She had to smile, and wanted to told the boss that he was wise, but in the end she just installed into a lady.

"Tell me what happened."

Olive thought about it, since he has said it, so she confessed it honestly, "my computer was cleared, the printed materials were putted into the shredder, but I didn't know who did it."

The results of hard work in a night, just like the wasted water, although there was a suspect, but without evidence in hand, so she can’t say who is the suspect.

“You offended someone?” Alan asked.

"I've offended so many people."she smiled.

The culprit was so far away, and also so close to her eyes.Perhaps he wasn’t self-aware, so she didn’t mind to remind him .

"You don't look like a troublemaker." Alan determinedly.

"But sitting here is different, now I'm a thorn ."

Alan raised his eyebrow, "your meaning is blaming me?"

"No." Olive was humorlessly.

big bonus at the end of the year. Now he was her livelihood depends. For the sake of money,

hand, "I will investigate this matter, you go out to

just suddenly felt dizzy at the moment of turning, almost standing unsteady.

she already dropped on the ground.

of the men warmly came from her arms.

the distance because they were too close, she was

have things that you have given, but she didn’t speak this words in the

look very well." Alan looked

Olive lightly smiled, "May be because I worked all

Alan lightly pondered , " You don't have to go to work afternoon, going back to

such a boss, it’s too easy to talk , and she took over many

their posts because they're too tired to work, saying I'm too exploited by capitalism," he said.

her tongue, she seemed to be said like this, and did him really heard it? He

And Alan immediately called Dave to

neither humble nor overbearing.Every time on a business trip, he will go

In addition, installing several monitors in this floor. Don’t let she know it.Naturally, it

a little special to miss Steele." The Dave tempted to

for a long time. He lightly

a moment, downing his eyes, "sorry,

didn’t blame him, slowly said, "maybe, she is

thing of the lady in his dream , except his own, Dave was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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