Chapter 242 Warding off the Sulfuric Acid for Her

Amanda snorted and got into the driver’s seat without uttering a word.

Just as she was ready to close the door, she heard Elias saying, “Since you’ve decided to stay in the country, quit working for Simon, and not stay with me, do you have any plans?”

“Well, it’s none of your business. You’d better take good care of your fiancée and make sure she doesn’t come harassing me again. Thanks, Mr. Ex-husband.” With that, Amanda closed the door.

Elias frowned. Did Stephanie go looking for Amanda again? Wait a second… Mr. Ex-husband?

The way the woman called him put a smile on his face as he repeated it in a small voice, saying. “Mr. Ex- husband…”

Yacob couldn’t help but ask, “Are you happy just because she called you that?”

The smile on Elias’ face disappeared as he shot him a glare. “You have a lot to say, don’t you? Do you want to work overtime today?”

“No, no, no! Please forgive me, Mr. Winters. I haven’t had any proper sleep for the past seven days. I’ll die from overworking, Yacob lamented.

All of a sudden, they heard a bang from the parking lot.

They exchanged glances and sported solemn expressions. What’s going on? Amanda just went over there. Did she crash her car into something?

Following that, Amanda was heard exclaiming, “Help!”

The next moment, Elias charged forward, leaving Yacob behind.

Yacob looked at the man’s figure and sighed. “He said he no longer loves her, but he’s so anxious when she calls for help.”

that, Yacob also dashed forward as

happened was that Amanda crashed her car into a column because someone appeared in front of her vehicle out of

into the steering

feeling dizzy.

the door to ward it off, but the liquid still came into contact with

on her

she realize she had come across a lunatic. As such, she opened the door and ran away in a particular direction, knowing that Elias and Yacob were still over there. The men could probably help


even dare turn her head and take a look


fast while wearing stilettos, so she twisted

much pain that she was unable to do so. I must’ve twisted my ankle… Then, she

“Who are you?!”

become so ugly. Everyone despises me, and Elias dumped me. On the other hand, you’re still so beautiful. It’s so unfair! I want you to be as ugly

her veil, Amanda

on her face look even more hideous; it was as if she

your mind, Grace? Your suffering has nothing to do with me. It’s entirely your fault!”

she realized she was supposed to prioritize her safety instead of provoking the

you never returned to the country, I would’ve married Elias, and he would never have met Stephanie. It’s

mentally and bawled her eyes out. Her eerie cries reverberated across the underground parking

still had some sulfuric acid in the bottle in her hand. If she splashed it on

wanted to get up, but she couldn’t exert any

fixedly at the bottle of sulfuric acid in Grace’s hand. A sense

want you to become as ugly as I am. It’s all your fault. Why did you even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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