Chapter 241 Encounter in the Elevator

At Northern No. 1, Amanda lounged on the couch and felt bored to the core. She did not want to return to Simon’s law firm anymore, so it felt like she was wasting her life away.

“Amanda, aren’t you planning to return to the firm?”

“Nah, I don’t feel like going back. There were people she did not want to face anymore, and she could not either.

Suddenly, Selina suggested, “Amanda, I think you should start your own firm.”

A spark of interest ignited within Amanda upon hearing this idea before she turned to her. “Start my own firm?”

I’ve thought about having my law firm before, but in the past few years, due to my lack of experience, I needed to fulfill the requirements to start my company. Running a firm would have brought in limited clients. But things are different now. Over the past few years, I’ve fought many impressive cases and gained some recognition. Maybe it is a suitable opportunity now.

“Yeah, I searched your name online yesterday and realized how successful you are now. You’re famous and so capable. Why not start your own firm?” Selina encouraged her.

Amanda smiled. “You’re right. I didn’t have the courage before, but now I’ve grown. I can’t work under someone my whole life.”

Moreover, Elias wants to drive me and our child out of the country, which I refuse to do. I want to stay here and show him what I’m capable of

“Yeah! Go for it! I believe in you!” Selina looked at the woman before her. Amanda was no longer the little follower she used to be in their childhood days; she had become a well-known and beautiful lawyer.

Selina could not help but grin. After all these days, Amanda finally showed a gentle smile. It seemed like she had found a new direction in her life.

Suddenly, Amanda’s phone rang, showing an unknown number. She answered the call.

Bailey? I’m from Winters Enterprise’s Legal Department. We need

refuse, but she remembered she was still the appointed legal advisor for Winters Enterprise. “Alright, give me a moment. I’ll be there

it was only during work that she could forget

Winters Enterprise.

and she did not expect people to work overtime

to the Legal Department, where the department head personally received

into the office, where they talked for two hours. It

piled up. “Why wasn’t I informed about all these pending contracts?” Since she was an external team member, she

smiled and said, “Mr. Winters himself instructed not to disturb you if there wasn’t anything

as well quit this position if that was the case. Many people in the seemed to have a big problem with her just receiving money without working. “Well, I better take leave. Thank you for your hard work,” she



along with you would be difficult; unexpectedly, you’re easygoing. We wouldn’t dare to call you without a valid reason. Not sure why Mr. Winters said that.” The department head had a hidden meaning in his words, implying that she had been trying to use her privilege and that

stiffened momentarily, and she awkwardly smiled. “Feel free to call me if you need. anything. I’m at

about the conversation with the head

wondered why it was empty when it should have been crowded


on the seventeenth floor. Then, she heard Yacob’s voice from outside the elevator. “Mr. Winters, Mr. Allegra invited you for dinner again tonight. Do you

the person inside the elevator and was instantly dumbfounded. What’s going on? Isn’t this

at the person inside the elevator as if trying to see through

hesitation of the people outside the metal doors. She realized that Yacob and Elias were standing there.

press the button. “You can take another elevator.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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