Chapter 223 Falling in Love With Someone Else

Has Elias fallen in love with the young lady from the Allegra Family?

Amanda felt her heart breaking into pieces.

After Elias hung up the call, he appeared displeased, but he had no choice but to leave. However, his son was still on a drip in the ward.

Just then. Elmer coughed and reminded him by saying, “Miss Allegra must have something important to tell you, Mr. Winters, so you’d better not let her wait. She has been the center of attention since a young age, and she mustn’t suffer any grievances.”

Amanda had the urge to laugh.

He sounds like other people deserve to suffer grievances.

Unable to take it anymore, Elias shot him a glare. “Do you think I’m some nobody?”

Elmer was rendered speechless upon hearing that.

Though Stephanie had been the center of attention, Elias had always enjoyed a life of prestige.

They had been treated like a princess and a prince since young, so they wouldn’t give in to each other.

All of a sudden, Elmer felt like he was the clown, but he was just trying to do his job. After all, he was Jack’s executive assistant.

“Run along. We don’t need you here. I’ll take care of Aiden on my own,” Amanda said icily.

Just as she was ready to enter the ward, Elias grabbed her wrist and said, “You’d better put on a different pair of shoes. Otherwise, you won’t even be able to carry the child.”

“It’s none of your business!” Amanda shook him off.

In actuality, Elias was just concerned about her because he saw that the woman’s ankles were swollen. However, Amanda felt that he was mocking her for being a terrible mother who couldn’t even take care of her child.

as Elias was ready to speak, his phone

connecting the call, he spoke in an impatient tone, ignoring the fact that Elmer was still

on earth do

was shocked by the man’s

have to report it to Mr. Allegra? However, it’s only natural that a couple would bicker with each other from time to

choked sobs, “Please come to me right away. Please… I urgently need your

coldly, “I got it. I’m busy now, so

to be flustered as she threatened him by saying. “If you don’t come now, I’ll tell my dad about

that moment, Elias had the urge to kill Stephanie, but he suppressed

turned to look at Amanda, seemingly wanting to explain the situation. However, she didn’t give him a

stared at the door for a moment before turning around to leave, bringing a sense

followed him without having the guts to say anything. He even tried to lower the

the bed and glanced at her son while the latter was on a drip. As she recalled how Elias prioritized Stephanie earlier, she felt

all the memories of Elias from her mind, but she was

he wants to send Aiden and me abroad. What

slid down from

the car with fury. Elmer

from Jack telling him

Elias snapped. “Call Stephanie and ask

ordering a dog



to Allegra Villa. Earlier on, she received a call from Crispin saying that her father was about to send him

anxious that she

couldn’t get together with Crispin, she didn’t have

can’t let his future get destroyed because of

us a call and said that if you still refuse to eat, he’ll deduct a year’s worth

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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