Chapter 224 Don’t Go, Elias!

Elias sported a gloomy expression and asked unenthusiastically, “Did you make me come here only for this?”

Do I look like I have nothing better to do? My son is on a drip in the hospital, and this woman is asking me to look for her boyfriend.

Unable to take it anymore, he flared up like a volcano eruption. “What’s wrong with you? My son is on a drip, but I left the hospital and came looking for you, thinking that you needed urgent help. However, you just want me to search for your boyfriend. Do you think I have all day?”

With that, he turned around and left.

His son was on a drip while calling out to him subconsciously. If he wasn’t even by his side, he wouldn’t be qualified to be a father.

Just like what Aiden said, it was no use having a father if Elias couldn’t even fulfill his duties.

He was supposed to stay by his son’s side so that when Aiden woke up, he would immediately see his father.

“Don’t go, Elias!”

Stephanie held on to the man like he was a lifesaver.

Elias growled and urged, “Let go of me!”

Presently, Stephanie desperately needed to find out where Crispin was. She had just received a call from Crispin, and he sounded like he was in a terrible state.

“Elias, if you dare leave, I’ll tell my father about our plan. I’ll also go and harass your ex-wife and your


She knew she acted like a shrew, but she had no other choice. Only Elias was able to find Crispin in the shortest time possible.

Elias squinted and examined the woman, who was parting from sobbing for a long time. “Are you trying to threaten me?”

I can’t let my dad destroy his future. You’re only making use of my dad to get back your grandfather’s shares. You won’t marry me or love me. If my dad finds out about

worried that he would turn around and leave

out if he found out about

at her, suppressing his urge to kill the

would never marry Stephanie, not to mention that they were merely putting on an act.

ten minutes. Stephanie would never give in, for she was determined to

hand, Elias was worried about his

father, he had no choice but to make a concession. He said, “Give me your boyfriend’s

startled, not expecting the man to agree to it so soon. She thought Elias would turn her

“Oh, okay. Right away.”

her phone. While she was throwing a tantrum at the

odd. My phone is supposed to be in

All of a sudden, the man’s leather

was looking at a savior. The man had just picked up her phone from the bed, and his back was against the light coming in through the windows. It was as if he

was too anxious, so I forgot about

have to promise that you’ll never expose the secret.

As long as you can help find Crisp, I

and she was going crazy over a terrible

whirled around and

had a daughter like Stephanie, who was bawling her eyes out for a poor man, he

When she came to her senses, the man

the staircase. “What do you mean, Elias? Are you saying I’m a foolish woman? How could you say that Crisp is a terrible guy? He’s just in love with me. Even if I wasn’t Jack Allegra’s

that while walking down the stairs, he

care about her, and the matter

moment Elias left Allegra Villa,

told someone to find out


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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