Chapter 250 Did You and Daddy Argue?

“Amanda, I do not mean that.” The man frowned.

Amanda coldly snorted. “I realized that you guys really are something. What are you, your fiancée, and your future father-in-law up to? He asked me to draft a prenup, but she told me that you guys have a plan. and that you love me. If I hadn’t seen her look for you to try on the attire and thought about the way you protected me, I honestly would have believed everything.”

The man was speechless, and he couldn’t help but think that Stephanie was causing issues for him by doing stupid things.

As the tears welled up in Amanda’s eyes, she continued, “Elias, I really don’t know what the hell. What do you want? Is there something valuable within me?”



She never expected that the man could still find something valuable within her; otherwise, why would he continuously torture her by giving her hope and disappointing her?

“Mommy… Are you and Dad arguing?” Aiden looked up at her and asked softly.

Only then did Amanda realize that her son was still with her and that she should not argue in front of him.

“Nope. Daddy is busy with work, so let’s head back first,

At that, she carried Aiden and left without even looking back. Jean also quickly rushed up.

When Elias saw that the door was closed, he wearily closed his eyes.

It wasn’t long before the office phone rang.

He answered it, after which Jean’s voice was heard. “Mr. Winters, it’s time for the meeting. Please head. over to the meeting room. Also, I’ll send Miss Bailey off.”


After hanging up the phone, Elias couldn’t help but lean against the chair because the pain he felt caused him to grunt and frown.

sat up straight

sulfuric acid matter to force Amanda to accept him, but he merely

more important than he

in his inbox that contained the stimulated portrait of the Allegra Family’s second daughter twenty

mood to read the email,

out of the office.

the office,

quickly put her phone away and asked, “Your ex-wife… She’s not mad anymore, I

her face earlier. She looks

walked straight for the elevators and prepared to head to

after him. “Say something. I’m

stopped in his

suit and almost collided with

have forgotten what you promised

I promise you?” Stephanie was dazed since she couldn’t think of anything after being frightened by his

sight of her expression, Elias was

you have forgotten everything. It seems Crispin can forget about having

dark as he entered the

taken aback before she realized, Why does he want to trouble Crisp

hurried into the elevator, to which Elias

close button before the

his flawless side profile. “What do you mean by that? What does this have to do with Crisp? Why are you looking for

I tell you to leave her and the child alone? Have you lost your mind?” Elias was furious and became even more annoyed at the sight of the woman in front

not even

ex-wife? I haven’t

had been wronged. Why does he have such a

that case, who told her that we had a plan and that I still loved her? If it’s not you, then who could

about the

at the banquet. I didn’t even go

remember it now? You have nothing to say, huh?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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