Chapter 251 Amanda’s Blurred Identity

Late at night.

The meeting lasted three hours before Elias emerged from the meeting room.

“Elias, you’ll have to keep a close eye on the project. Otherwise, your aunt will make a move.”

“I know,”

Jack emerged from the meeting room with Elias but never expected to see his daughter waiting for them outside.

“Steph, what are you doing here? Waiting for Elias, are you?”

Elias also stopped and noticed Stephanie’s nervous look. He didn’t need to ask to know that she was worried he would lay a hand on Crispin.

“I’m waiting for Elias, Dad. You can head home first. We still need to try on the wedding attire. If we don’t, we really will be pressed for time, Stephanie replied.

Jack nodded upon hearing that. “Okay, then. I’ll head off first. Come back once you guys are done with the trying.

At that, he left.

Seeing that it was just him and Stephanie, Elias didn’t spare her another glance and headed in the direction of the elevator.

She hurried toward him and said, “If I have caused your ex-wife trouble or any misunderstanding between you two, I can explain things to her. I really didn’t mean it, so please don’t cause Crisp any trouble. He’s already going through hell at his place…”

“You have underestimated the endurance of those like him. In the name of wealth and power for eternity this suffering is considered nothing.” The man sneered.

“Don’t gauge his chivalry with your own measure. Crisp is not such a man. He loves me.”

Stephanie was so naive that she thought there was true love between her and Crispin.

Meanwhile, Elias could not be bothered to talk to her anymore since it did not even bother him.

you once more-don’t look for my ex-wife again. I also won’t need you to poke your nose in my matters. If you ever

that, he pressed the

even say anything, the elevator doors

that mean he won’t lay

that, she exhaled in a sigh of

Elias sat on his chair, but he couldn’t fully lean back because of his injured

closed his eyes. Although he really wanted to sleep, there were too many things

he had not opened the email he received before

was a simulated portrait of the Allegra Family’s second

eyes and gently shook the mouse to light

that the picture of the stimulated portrait had been downloaded, so he proceeded

his features when he opened it

was a hint of astonishment

Amelia Allegra looks so familiar… It looks like

immediately opened the drawer and yanked the photo frame to have a careful look again. The Stephanie in the photo frame was standing aside giggling, while her sister, Amelia, was

to be honest, Amelia was much prettier than

What is going on?

picture many times. His first impression was that

of her twenty years later, he was taken

Isn’t this… Amanda?

hundred percent similar, it still had a

is the lost daughter of the Allegra Family and has been missing for more than twenty years? Is it even possible? Isn’t her father the gambler Dick Leans?

The eyebrows, eyes, and


at it, the more he felt that these two people shared similarities to the point where

took his cell phone and called Yacob, who answered quickly. “What is

yet. Help me with

have some humanity left in you, Mr. Winters? I haven’t even slept properly for the past week, so can’t you wait until I wake up before

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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