The Legendary Man

The Legendary Man Chapter 66

Chapter 66 You Are Not Willing

The moment Margaret finished, everyone was dumbstruck.

Jonathan wasn’t the only one eyeing Margaret with suspicion. Even Josephine and Emmeline stared at their mother in surprise. Everyone was wondering what in the world was she up to.

Ever since four years ago, when Jonathan had to move in with them, Margaret had never been nice to him.

“Mom, what’s wrong with you? Do you have a fever?” Emmeline couldn’t help but reach out her hand to feel Margaret’s forehead. However, Margaret slapped it aside and snapped, “Shut up!”

“Jonathan, how is it? Why don’t you say a word?” Margaret pestered him when all she got was silence.

“Not bad,” Jonathan replied flatly.

She must be up to something. There’s no way she would suddenly be nice to me unless there’s something in it for her.

“That’s good to hear. If you like it, I’ll cook it for you every day.” The way Margaret smiled made her look like a cunning old fox. Even when she was grinning, there would be a wicked glint in her eyes.

“Mom, whatever you have to say, just go on and say it.” Jonathan was in no mood to play games with her.

“Oh Jonathan, do you think I’m nice to you just because I have an agenda?” Margaret rolled her eyes at him before replying with a smile, “Actually, there is something I would like to ask of you. When will you transfer the ownership of this mansion to Josephine? Now that both of you are lawfully wedded husband and wife, isn’t it proper to have her name on the title deed?”

I knew it! Given Margaret’s character, there’s no way she would turn over a new leaf all of a sudden.

“Mom!” Josephine shot a glare at her.

However, Margaret pretended not to notice as she stared intently at Jonathan.

“I’ll do it anytime!” Jonathan answered light-heartedly. He didn’t mind the request as the mansion was already under Josephine’s name. In fact, his name wasn’t even on the title deed.

by how readily Jonathan agreed to it. After regaining her composure, she pressured him

the earlier she

is free then.” Jonathan turned toward Josephine and asked, “Darling, are you

“I’m busy!”

couldn’t resist giving him the

that this is a trap Mom has set for him. So why is he

a vessel. Just when she was about to continue, Josephine interrupted her, “I’m full.

turned around and went

and looked at Jonathan. “Jonathan, come up with me

“What’s wrong?”

quickly followed her

room, Josephine lost her temper. “Jonathan, are you

I can,” Jonathan casually

him, Margaret’s schemes were

forget. Your name isn’t even on it because

to transfer it to me.” Jonathan was unfazed

That’s easy for you to say. Why would he transfer a mansion that’s worth hundreds of

price for it.” Jonathan suddenly had a headache. I have only been back

are you going to find the money to pay him back? This is a few hundred million we’re talking

won’t agree to have my

she spoke, Josephine chased Jonathan out

living hall. The moment Margaret saw him,

Jonathan shook his

on her face. “Jonathan, if

in the bud. “If Josephine doesn’t go, there’s no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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