Chapter 155 Get Lost

“B-Boss!” The moment he barged into the manager’s office, the salesperson yelled, “We have a problem!”

“What problem?”

When he heard the salesperson’s shout, the manager, who was sitting on the sofa watching a movie, turned around in exasperation. “What are you so nervous about? You will never amount to anything that way.”

“Boss, do you think this card is real or a fake?” The salesperson carefully placed the card in the manager’s hands.

“What do you mean?” The manager casually took the card. However, the moment he saw that it was a black card, he sprang up from the sofa. “A black card? Whose is it?”

“A customer’s,” the salesperson replied softly. “It has a balance of more than ten billion. Hence, I don’t know if it’s an authentic card or not. Boss, can it be that there’s a problem with our point-of-sale system?’

“You idiot! How can a card with more than ten billion inside be a fake?” The manager slapped the salesperson on his head. “Where is he? Take me to see him right away.”

“However, he doesn’t look like someone who has so much money.” The salesperson refused to believe that the card was authentic.

How can someone that doesn’t wear more than two hundred worth of clothes have so much savings? We aren’t filming a movie here, are we?

“As if you can tell just by looking!” The manager kicked the salesperson’s stomach angrily. “Is there something f*cking wrong with your eyes? Let we warn you, if you offend him, I will personally feed you to the fishes in the Goda River before he does!”

Considering that he had worked in the luxury industry for a long time, the manager had seen many rich customers before.

The truly wealthy always liked to keep a low profile and never flaunted their wealth.

However, if one were to get on their nerves, they would be able to destroy one at a snap of their fingers.

“But–” Just when the salesperson was about to say something, the manager slapped him again. “No buts! Just shut the f*ck up and bring me to him right now.”

now terrified after a couple of slaps. Hence, he anxiously led the manager back to

to?” The moment he arrived, the manager respectfully held the black card in both

mine. Is there a problem?”

all. My staff is just unfamiliar with how to use the point-of-sale machine because he is still new.” Without any hesitation, the manager bowed and apologized to Jonathan, “I’m sorry to have caused you trouble. I

Just swipe the card.”

“At once!”

the point-of-sale system. It then

when he saw the string of zeroes in the card’s balance, he couldn’t help but gasp

so astounded that he broke into

life, he had never

your card.” The manager returned Jonathan’s card with both hands. The moment

through without a hitch? This kid is really the owner of the black

problem with the card?” Jonathan casually

no.” Taken aback, the manager shook his head at once. “There’s no

manager glared fiercely at the salesperson. After that, he turned toward Jonathan with a servile expression. “Sir, if you need anything in the future, you can just give

head, as he wasn’t interested at all. “Are

my contact in the box. If there are any problems, feel free to give us a call at any time of the day and we

manager couldn’t behave

to notice at all. Instead, he took Josephine’s hand and suggested, “Darling,


nodded, she stepped out of

out.” The manager personally escorted them away. It wasn’t until both of

it just a black card? Was all that necessary?” The salesperson squirm his lips when he

“Shut the f*ck up!”

you had better get the hell

say a word, the manager

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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