Chapter 169 The Turner Family

What the hell! Who’s trying to reach me at all times?

Jonathan reached for his phone with his face scrunched up in irritation. When he was about to pick up the call, Josephine stopped him.

She announced while glaring at him, “It’s mine!”

After inching away from Jonathan, she asked the moment she picked up the phone, “Hello?”

The man on the other end of the phone greeted with a hoarse voice, “Josephine, I must’ve underestimated you, huh? Randall’s presence is quite a surprise, but it’s not really a big deal because he’s not capable of putting much of a fight as well! Why don’t you go ahead and ask if he has the guts to poke his nose into my business?”

Shortly after the man finished his rhetorical question, he sneered, indicating he wasn’t intimidated by Randall’s presence at all.

“What do you want from me?” Josephine’s face puckered when she heard the man’s sneer of despise. She disliked others threatening her the most. However, the man on the other end wouldn’t stop pushing his luck.

He guffawed and asked in return. “What else apart from the downfall of the Smith family? I thought a warning was more than enough to drive you and the rest of your family away from the development of the ecological park, but I guess it was very wrong of me. Hence, I’m going to do you and the rest of your family a favor by taking everyone out.”

Then, he continued, “Speaking of which, can you do me a favor and tell your beloved husband to try his best to keep me at the bay? I can’t wait to see if he’s affiliated with someone capable of stopping me! Tell him to stop holding back and make use of every trump card he has hidden up his sleeves.”

The man thought it wasn’t much of a challenge for him to take out the members of the Smith family. All it would take was a call from him.

same idea because he thought the seemingly influential figure was nothing more than a

He was not amused.

of joke is this? I don’t recall appointing a vice-governor when setting up the

talking about Jonathan, she asked while gaping in disbelief,

because she wasn’t even aware of the man’s identity. On the contrary, the man was well

the case, allow me to introduce myself—I’m Timothy, a member of the Turner family! We’re one of the most, if

draining from Josephine’s face when she

The head of the Turner family of

family?” Josephine repeated after the man with her voice quivering against

“It seems like you’ve heard of us, huh? If that’s the case, I’m sure you’re well aware of the consequences of offending the members of the family, aren’t you? You can’t blame me for whatever’s awaiting the rest of the Smith family because I’ve warned

the call shortly after he made himself clear he wouldn’t hold back against

remained standing with a pale and haggard look. Once she returned to her senses, she turned around and asked Jonathan, “Have you long figured out the person on the other end

in the eyes, Jonathan assured her with a grin while caressing her back to console the seemingly heartbroken woman, “I wasn’t made aware of the person’s identity until you hung up the call. You need to stop sulking because he’s not much of a

the Turner family out of existence. A call from him was all it would take care of the seemingly influential Turner

being said, he had no intention of doing so since it was such a great opportunity to wipe out the

lesson because I’m pretty sure I’ve never appointed anyone of that sort for

not even the four most prominent families of Jadeborough can

after letting out a long sigh, “If he truly wishes to wipe out the members of the Smith family, there’s nothing much we

not hail from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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