The Legendary Man Chapter 474 Juliette

Pushing away one of the men with a hand, Baxter strode toward Jonathan.

Jonathan, on the other hand, remained completely indifferent even after taking out two strong men in succession as he continued to rest on the massage chair.

Seeing such a scene, Baxter snickered and took a few steps forward. Then, he sat himself down right in front of Jonathan.

“Kid, you’ve hurt my men. Aren’t you going to explain yourself?”

“Explain? What for?” Jonathan said indifferently without even bothering to open his eyes.

As the Asura with the Eight Kings of War under his command, the whole of Chanaea was under Jonathan’s control.

Facing a nobody like Baxter, Jonathan did not even bat an eyelash.

However, some people just would not give up. In fact, they would take other people’s tolerance toward them for granted.

Baxter was that kind of person. Jonathan’s provocative words had successfully lit a flame of rage in him.

“What do you think? Brat, you beat up my men. Do you think this is over?” Baxter roared as he shot up from his seat.

Then, Baxter’s two palms balled into fists and swung at Jonathan’s face.

Bang! A crisp sound rang out as Jonathan’s fist landed on Baxter’s face and sent him to the ground.

“Baxter!” exclaimed the group of men dressed in black.

Once again, they gathered around Jonathan. However, they were all shrouded with fear when they saw the terrifying look in Jonathan’s eyes.

As Baxter’s subordinates, these men naturally knew just how vicious their boss was. Yet, at that moment, the guy in front of them had taken Baxter out with just one punch. Just who is this guy?

“Morons! Are you just going to keep looking at him?”

Baxter covered his arm in pain and yelled, “Hurry up and take care of him! Waste him! I want him dead!”

“I think you want yourself dead!” Jonathan shouted indignantly.

at that exact moment that a lazy voice suddenly sounded from

“What’s going on here?”

the source of the voice and found that it belonged to the glamorous woman from

red satin dress which showed off her lovely figure. Her bright red

the woman’s eyes

the depths of her soul. It was as if nothing in the world was worth her

lackeys saw her, they quickly lowered their heads and greeted

sandwiched between her fingers, the woman walked toward Baxter and flicked the cigarette

man did not even dare to flinch. While tolerating the pain in his arm, he could only stay still and remain

Baxter was terrified of

said softly. Her voice was

up. With one


who was so used to

earlier actions that he was an arrogant and ruthless man. A person like

him was actually so afraid of this woman standing

hell is this

Meanwhile, Juliette

smiled and said to

cigarette butt was

through gritted teeth, suppressing the urge to

ear with pleasure and

skills are not bad. How about you

enchanting woman. “There doesn’t seem to be much

You’re a gutsy rascal.” Juliette shook her head with a smile. Then, she propped her legs up on the back of Baxter, who was still kneeling over, and continued, “Kid, since you’re in this terminal, I’m

leisurely attitude, Jonathan turned around and went back to

guys won’t

the words Jonathan left them with before he once again

him, Juliette stared at Jonathan’s face with

was looking at a prey that had caught

last moments of peace. You can’t

strange woman who went by the name of Juliette flew in first-class, just like

bother to interact further

walking out of the terminal, he was immediately cornered by a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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