Chapter 509 A Meal

In the garden, Jonathan was frowning as he stared at his phone. He had keyed in “018” on his phone, but he hadn’t made the call. Ever since he heard about martial law being enforced in Yaleview, he had been contemplating whether to call that number on his phone.

The moment he started his career in the army, he knew no matter how strong he was, he would never expand into Yaleview. Before Jonathan came into the picture, Chanaea was in a mess.

The respectable families had recalled their members and caused a five-year-long rebellion in Chanaea. Back then, there were conflicts between respectable families and the local armed forces.

Everyone was fighting for personal gains, and it had threatened the influence of Yaleview’s Office of Government Affairs.

After continuous efforts from various commanders-in-chief, the Yaleview Army was finally formed.

The army was formed to protect Yaleview and guarantee the sovereignty of the Office of Government Affairs.

Five hundred thousand troops were stationed around Yaleview, and the army was the biggest official army force in Chanaea three years ago.

After all, there was no way those private army forces controlled by respectable families would work together.

Therefore, there had always been a delicate balance between the local armies and the Yaleview Army.

However, that balance was destroyed when Jonathan showed up three years ago.

The private armies in Chanaea were wiped out, and Asura’s Office was regarded as the strongest in Chanaea.

It was then the Valley of Elites shut down at once.

of Elites’ initial aim was to pick out all the elite warriors

were either from Asura’s Office or the

recruit among the troops, not only were they worried that no one would sign up, but they also didn’t dare to bring in

Jonathan had done before the Valley of Elites was

already sent over

men managed to

six of them remained. One of them was the person Jonathan was thinking

definitely brewing in Yaleview, I don’t need to contact those people yet. If I

halt at the entrance of Prosperous Hotel in Yaleview. Two Mercedes-Benz could be

the Lincoln came to a halt, a few youngsters in black suits ran out of the

were all expressionless as they arrived next to the Lincoln to open

“Ms. Goldstein, Mr. Xydias has been waiting

smiled and uttered, “Lead

luxurious private room on

slightly when she saw the name of the private room. Despite what she thought,

the couch. Next to him, a young man was bowing at him with a document in his hand. It seemed that the young man was there

heard someone coming in, they abruptly turned toward the

with you!” Seeing that Sophia had arrived, the middle-aged man laughed and stood up. When he got up, that fat on his

arrived early, Mr. Xydias. You must’ve waited for me for quite a while.” Sophia walked up

when he felt her hand. He started ogling her

hand back. “Mr. Xydias, since you’ve waited for me

gaze from her breasts and smiled. “Sure! Sure! Let’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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