The Man’s Decree

The Man’s Decree Novel Chapter 9

“Mr. Chance, just let me know what you need. As long as I can fulfill it, I will not refuse,” William quickly declared.

At that moment, Josephine queried, “Mr. Chance, what do you need the calligraphy brush and cinnabar rosary for?”

After all, both items didn’t look like they were required for medical treatment, and they were also widely available.

“Josephine, Mr. Chance has his reasons for writing them down. You shouldn’t question him!” William admonished her with a glare.

“It’s all right.” Kai smiled. “They are used for treatments, too. However, they aren’t just any ordinary brush and rosary. They have to be imbued with spirituality for them to work.”

“Imbued with spirituality?”

Josephine and William were dumbfounded, as they had no idea what Kai meant.

When he saw how confused they were, Kai explained, “Everything in this world will live and die, and all of them contain spirituality. Even items deemed inanimate by men can have spirituality as well. However, it can only form under very strict conditions.

“Let’s take this chair I’m sitting on as an example. If I sit on it and meditate for decades, it would gradually be imbued with spirituality too.”

Worried that both of them would not understand, he illustrated the concept in layman’s terms.

shown on TV? At one of the trees where the immortals reside, it will gain spirituality after some time

William was speechless at the way Josephine

didn’t exist,

hit the nail on

in such things too. However, after spending the last three years with Draco, he finally realized that there was still a lot out there that he

the Focus Technique. As long as he continued to train in them, he

about spirituality and immortals, he would have scoffed at them.

they didn’t even give Jonathan, who was still kneeling on the ground, a look. Even though Jonathan was not particularly evil, he was unable to take on any real responsibility. Hence, Kai

young, William was hit by a palm strike by a business competitor. As there was no external wound, and the results

to the extent of having difficulty breathing. As a result, he

any concern to his family, William hid the news from them. That was also why Josephine was unaware of her father’s

energy. From the looks of it, he had wanted to kill William. Fortunately, William’s immense wealth had allowed him to afford potent health supplements to keep himself

as your student!”

legs were so numb that he grimaced in

accept anyone as my student, but feel free to ask me any questions,

by Jonathan’s sincerity after watching him prostrate for such a long time. Therefore, he agreed to provide guidance even though he

response and thanked him profusely, “Thank you,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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